Too Bad, But More Angry Than Sad

Start from the beginning

But Mario doesn’t even blink, just says, “Don’t worry about it, everyone messes up now and again.” He pulls out some gold coins, unlike anything in Brooklyn that’s for sure. “Here, go get it fixed up, and I’ll just take it back as is when you’re done.”

Joe looks shocked at that, but he wisely takes the offered coins and says, “Thanks!”, right as Cousin Bob walks in.

“What just happened?”

Joe pulls him aside, “I don’t know what’s up with our cuz, but see if you can’t squeeze something out of him.”, then leaves with a “Wahoo!” as he runs out the door.

Bob looks at the dejected plumber on the couch, then shrugs, and says, “Hey Mario, there’s this insane soccer tournament that’s doing the whole tailgate thing before, during and after. Unfortunately it means I’m gonna miss the family portrait.”

“That’s fine, Bob. Have all the fun you want, and you don’t even have to reschedule.”

Bob, however, decides to push his luck, “Well in that case, can I--”

“Not so fast! My turn!” Marianne claps a hand over Bob’s mouth, shoving him away.

“Mama.” Mario gets up suddenly, looking less out of it than a moment ago, and walking past Marianne into the kitchen. “Did I do right by Luigi?”

If Mama Mario looks surprised by the question, she doesn’t show it, and just replies, “Are you kidding? Figlio, no one has done for that boy what you have.”

Mario smiles, “Thank you, Mama.”, right as Marianne tries to sneak up from behind and steal Mario’s cap from off his head.

Mama Mario sees it, and snaps her fingers, “Leave your cugino alone!”, making her stomp her foot.

“I hate it here!”

“Oh yeah? Get in line!” Mario snaps, starting to stomp off, only for Papa to stop him from going upstairs.

“Mario, stop. You know Luigi loves you. You think he’d throw himself in front of a fire-breathing turtle with nothing but a manhole cover if he didn’t?”

“Then how could he say that to me?” Mario begs, tears forming in his eyes. “Since we all got separated, all I ever did was worry myself sick over him. Anything, be it someone to beat up the bullies on the playground or to knock him down a peg when he got too big for his britches, I did it. I gave up the chance to find you all and get out of there sooner just so he wouldn’t end up a statistic.”

Mario bows his head, rubbing his eyes. “I was there for him when I never should’ve been put in that situation in the first place. And now it’s like he doesn’t care. How dare he?”

“Mario, for the love of the stars, can you not hear yourself?” Papa snaps a little louder, forcing Mario to look at him. “Tell me something. What’s the real thing about all this that has you so scared? Is it that Molly’s going to break Luigi’s heart?”

Mario starts to nod, but Papa stops him, not buying it,

“Or that he’s going to break yours?”

At that, Mario goes into a full body freeze, unable to say anything to that, but one shared look between the two generations of Mario men, and they both already know the answer.

“Know something, Toad?” Luigi says the next day as he keeps packing more stuff into his suitcase. “Up until a day or two ago, I was starting to think Mario was right about us being better off without Mama Molly. I mean I couldn’t even picture her coming here, let alone asking me to come back to Brooklyn with her. But I guess a part of me always hoped Mario was wrong. And now he is. I can’t believe I’m getting my wish.”

Then he looks at Toad, who seems to be in the process of putting a life size portrait of himself over Luigi’s bed.

“Toad! It’s just a seasonal job!”

But just then, there’s a knock on the door, before Mario walks in. “Hey there. I’d like to speak to my brother by himself.”

He points at Toad, “You. Shoo.”

“Right away!” The mushroom man says, dashing out with the door shut behind him.

But once they’re alone, Luigi goes first, “Alright, look, Mario, you know I love you, right? And that I’d never say anything to hurt you on purpose?”

“Weegee, stop.” Mario gives a small smile. “I came up here to apologize to you.”

Luigi chuckles, “Guess we both weren’t thinking about what we were saying, were we?”

“Oh no no. I was of very sound mind down there.” Mario shakes his head, but before Luigi’s face can fall, he adds, “But that’s not something you should’ve had to hear, especially from me.”

“Mario.” Luigi comes from around the bed to they’re standing face to face. “No one, person or Toad, is ever going to sing their praises for you louder than me, and of course I know how lucky we are that we managed to find our family and start our own life here. But please try and understand when I tell you that this is a moment where I need to be selfish. You always remembered Mama Mario, but Mama Molly is the only one I can remember. I need her.”

“I know you do.” Mario says, resigned. “But I hope you don’t forget that no matter where you go…”

Now he steps closer, “I’m always going to be your big brother.”

Luigi chuckles awkwardly, “And I’m always going to be your little brother.”

They hug, but it’s quick and awkward, and just doesn’t feel right to either of them.

But Mario just goes for the door, but just as he’s about to open it, Luigi calls out nervously,


The older plumber turns as Luigi says,

“You know I’m coming back, right?”

Mario just smiles, “Right. Of course you are.”, then walks out.

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