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Something sends a chill at the back of Luigi’s neck as he walks through Toad Town with Mario.

He looks, but upon finding nothing, he stops moving, as a test, but when he feels the chill again, he rushes up to catch up with Mario to ask,

“Bro, have you ever felt like someone was following us?”

Mario laughs, “Of course, Weegee. When you’re Mario of the Mario Bros., stalker fans come with the territory.”

That manages to startle Luigi enough to glare at Mario and say, with a malicious smile, “And when Mario of the Mario Bros. has Luigi of the Mario Bros. with him, THIS--” He grabs Mario’s cap right off his head and smacks him with it. “Comes with the territory!”

“Eek!” Mario squeaks, while Luigi forces him to turn back around, keeping his back turned as he points.

“Does that look like another human to you? Cause I swear they’ve been following us since we left our house. Think it’s one of Bowser’s followers?”

Mario fake gasps, complete with his hands to his face, “Oh no! If that’s true, then the only thing you can do is go quietly, and maybe they’ll go easy on you this time!”

Luigi doesn’t pick up on it, though, so he nods, “Maybe you’re right.”, and starts to turn around, ready to hold up his hands in surrender.

Before he realizes, “Mario!” and lunges at his big brother, who’s now laughing hysterically as he lets Luigi flick him in the nose.

“Fine, make jokes. I’m gonna go see who it is.”

And so Luigi marches right over to approach the human sized being, but as Mario keeps watching from a distance, and the person’s features become more distinct, he feels like his stomach is dropping right out from under him.

When Luigi comes back over excitedly, Mario doesn’t even need to be told as Luigi says,

“Mario! It’s MAMMA!”

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