13 | Idiot

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THE SCHOOL WAS BUSTLING IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE PARTY, everyone who wasn't invited was eager to get in on the gossip of what occurred on the Friday night, and everyone who was there was eager to share. The student body were awaiting to see their new king in action as he strutted through the hallways, though Billy Hargrove was not happy about the attention on him. At least not right now.

He was hurt, real hurt. And he hated himself for it, cause he knew that he was hurt by something his blonde best friend couldn't help. His small crush on the boy was affecting other aspects of his life, and he hated it. He hated Leslie too. How she was always around the blonde, and when she wasn't, Harrington took her place.

He was seething from having watched the Mantle girl hop out of Eddie Munson's van this morning, with CJ in tow. The trio walked into school together, laughing amongst themselves as though they had been lifelong friends. He hated that he no longer had Eddie to hate on the girl with, that he seemed just as smitten with her as the Rhodes. It was too much for him to handle, forcing him once again out the main doors of the building.

Billy took to leaning up against Rosaline, the blue paint of the sleek Camaro matching the deep and clouded blue of his eyes. He couldn't face CJ. Not when he felt so intensely for him.

Shakily he grabbed the pack of Marlboros from his denim jacket pocket, fiddling with a lighter, cursing every time a slight wind blew out the zippo before it could reach his lips. It was obvious he was distracted, his mind racing and his anger bubbling under the surface of his skin. It always happened like this, ever since his mother left, his father not thinking it manly for someone to convey emotions like sadness or pain. But Billy had always been a little over emotional, which often led to his dad lashing out at him more. He eventually pulled back from allowing his feelings out, which only led to them being replaced by a frustration that rather quickly turned to anger.

He hated a lot of things, but he hated being angry the most. It reminded him of his dad. How he was so quick to anger like him, how he would lash out with his fists without regard for anyone or anything else.

In a sense, it was one of the things he respected CJ for. Knowing that the boy could just as easily be angered, but did not always resort to violence because of it. That the blonde could just as easily cut someone down with his words than his fists.

He sighed out, taking another long drag of his cigarette as the bell rang from inside the school. Guess his moment of tranquillity would have to end.

Gym had been exhausting for Steve Harrington. Especially when his mind was elsewhere, thinking about his (probably ex) girlfriend, and how she didn't love him. How he felt guilty for not stopping by her house that morning to pick her up for school. How he felt even more guilty that he had cheated on her, and with a boy he had originally thought she would cheat on him with.

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