6 | Hit me baby one more time

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Hit me baby one more time

CHAPTER SIXHit me baby one more time

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THE FINAL BELL WAS LIKE A BLISSFUL MELODY TO THE RAMPAGING STUDENTS WHO BARRELLED OUT THE DOORS. Steve Harrington was smiling as he left the building, having gotten a much needed make out session with Nancy. Though his smile was quickly wiped from his face at the sight before him.

Cole Rhodes was standing on the bonnet of his beloved BMW, dick in his hands and pissing on Harrington's car.

The brunette saw red.

"You're dead Rhodes!" Harrington raced forwards, darting to his piss covered car. The blonde had zipped his pants up and jumped off the car, laughing as he ran out the high school parking lot. People were cheering for the boy as Steve got into his car, his anger only being fuelled by the laughter of the people crowding around the scene. Especially the smug chanting of Billy and Tommy, cheering on the Rhodes boy as he ran down the street.

Steve started the engine, racing after the boy in his car. He kept adjusting his grip on the steering wheel, he sped up, now right behind the laughing blonde. The boy ducked amongst some trees and off the road, heading in the direction of town. Steve slammed his hand into the steering wheel in a rage, yelling out as he sped off down the road, hoping to cut the boy off.

Hours had passed, Cole was nowhere near the comfort of his little trailer park home, having trailed to a side of Hawkins he didn't know much about. He was still being hunted down by Steve, having to duck around corners and alley ways just to avoid the boy's wrath.

The blonde was out of breath, and honestly, he was quite impressed by the Harrington's determination to kill him.

He had turned down a side road, hoping to slip off from the main town and walk back to the trailer park. He was quite smug as he walked down the road, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

He sighed out, thinking about his bike he left at the school... if Steve wanted, he could quite easily have his revenge tomorrow morning. Cole scoffed to himself, not liking the idea of someone pissing on- or going as far as hurting his precious baby. The bag on his shoulder felt like a ton of bricks, having been running around with it for the past few hours.

He sighed, hitting a main road, and turning in the direction away from home, realising he would have to get his bike before something bad happened to it.

Two cigarettes into his long walk back to the high school, he had put his helmet on, having gotten sick of the noise whenever it bumped against his bag. His visor was down, and he was just humming to himself, occasionally dancing a little as he walked on.

He slowed in his tracks, vibrations of the road being felt through his trainers. His helmet had blocked out most of the noise, so he nearly shrieked when he turned to see the BMW barrelling down the road towards him.

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