Chapter 11

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I panic, the phone fumbling out of my hand and straight into the backseat. Walker makes a couple of noises and points down at it as I scramble out of my seatbelt to grab it, all the while I hear cackling coming from Chris on the other side of the call.

As my hand finally fumbles enough to wiggle the phone into my hand, Walker begins to clap a congratulations for me while I sign 'silly boy' back to him before finally focusing the camera towards him so that he can see his 'Cap.'

The squeal and grin that comes from my sweet baby is almost too much for me. His attachment to a man that he spent a total of two hours with is stronger than I could've ever imagined. But hearing the words, "There's my boy!" come from the other side practically makes my heart stop.

Those are words that should be coming from his father's mouth.

"How are you, Walker?" he asks as I watch Walker sign back to him excitedly.

"Walker says he's good," I tell Chris. All of a sudden Walker becomes even more animated, practically trying to wiggle his way out of his car seat while laughing in excitement, his hands flapping rapidly. He quickly pulls up his arm in front of him, across his chest with a fist. I'm utterly confused as I've never seen him do something like that before. "What are you doing buddy?" I pull the phone back a bit to see the screen but still keep myself out of the camera's angle. That's when I see Chris holding a smaller version of his character's shield. "Is Chris teaching you how to hold the shield?" He claps enthusiastically and all I can do is smile.

"If I can talk your mama into giving me your address, I'll send it to ya. I mean, Cap's number one fan has to have a shield, right?" Walker agrees with a hard nod shake and a few claps of his hands.

"You sure you're not about to send the Marvel execs to take me down?" I tease, still of camera.

"Walker, I hear your mom, buddy. But I still can't see her. Think you can convince her to show me her face?" Chris teases, unknowing that I'm shaking my head no behind the phone. 

  My little buddy has my back, cheesing his way through a fast head shake, earning another laugh from Chris. "I don't think that's all you, Walker!  Tell mama to show me that pretty smile again."

  I almost drop the phone again. Did he just say my smile is pretty? Well, really AnnaBelle did you expect him to tell your son he'd like to see your ugly mug? 

  Walker purses his lips together and makes an 'mmmm' sound. He usually doesn't get much further than that, and I've allowed myself to go ahead and believe I may never hear him say 'mama' and yet I can't help but watch him a bit closer as his lips start to part with a very short 'a' sound after.

  "That's right, buddy! Ma-Ma! Tell mama to turn the phone around, too."

  I sit in utter disbelief as Walker tightens his lips again, another 'mm' sound and then the short 'a' once more. "Ma," he says quietly.

  "Oh my gosh!" I squeal, tears streaming down my face as I drop the phone completely into the passenger seat, my body worming it's way across the center console and over to my son's car seat to hug him tightly. "My baby!" He's not returning the affection that I'm giving him, and in this moment I won't let myself think too much on that fact, choosing to just relish in the fact that he just put two letter sounds together and allowed me to hear at least part being called 'mama.'

  "Sounds like you've got a new name," I hear called out from the front seat.  I smother Walker's face in kisses before trying to readjust myself back into the driver seat. "There are worse things I can be called I suppose," I say, teary eyed as I finally pick the phone up and point it towards myself.

  "Nothin wrong with being called Ma. I call my mom that all the time," Chris admits, smiling widely. 

  "Are you like my kid's good luck charm or something, Mr. Evans? That's two new words in a total of three days and they've both revolved around you. Ever thought about being a therapist?" I joke, swiping away the joyous tears that cover my face. 

  He laughs along with me, admitting that he'd probably teach them all the wrong words to say and I playfully tease that I'll hang up the phone if he starts going that route. The line goes quiet and I realize I haven't even been looking at the image on the screen, too engrossed by the little miracle sitting in my backseat that isn't paying me much attention outside of pointing towards the phone.  When I finally do look back at the screen I'm shocked to see Chris staring at me in quite an intimate way. 

 It's soft, it's approachable and honestly makes my heart skip a beat. 

  I make quick work of trying to get myself out of the strange situation. "You caught us as I was on my way back to my restaurant. I have a meeting soon, so I need to get back on the road. Can't really talk while driving."

  "Oh, yeah, uh sorry for interrupting your plans. I just had a free moment and really wanted to see my buddy again," he made sure to tell me. "I'll let you get goin. Hey, Walker." I angle the call back to him, his eyes falling immediately on the screen as Chris speaks. "I miss you, man. Take care of mama."

  Walker looks up to the ceiling of the car whispering the word, "Cap" before I hear the softest "Ma" once more. 

  "I don't know what it is about you, Mr. Evans, but you might just be a miracle worker," I sigh before ending the call. 

  Ten minutes later I'm pulling into the back space of the restaurant, working Walker out of his seatbelt when my phone goes off once, a text this time.

  'Still need that address so I can mail my buddy his shield.'

  Both of my lips are sucked into my mouth before I slowly release them with a slow hum. My fingers dance across the screen, finally giving in and sending off our address with a plea that he keep all Marvel execs at bay because outside of one friend I have no one to take care of Walker and I refuse for him to become a ward of the state. 

  Once settled in my office, another message comes through with a laughing emoji and a thumbs up. 'Cap will make sure they promise to keep you out of jail, but they may rough you up a bit.'

  "Ma," Walker says more fluently now, coming and taking my hand in his own, pulling me towards the door.  He signs the word for 'eat' and I repeat the word along with the sign. I thought maybe he'd try and repeat the word the way he did with Chris, but no such luck as all he gives me is a nod of his head in agreeance before reaching for my door handle. 

  "The man must be like a magical unicorn," I mumble under my breath.


*There was a request for more Chris and Walker content...

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