༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ Prologue ◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ

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A/N: Go read the tags and description right now, piss me off in these comments cuz you didn't read it if you want to.😐

If you know you ain't look at em and comment complaining and shit cuz it ain't what you thought it was I will shove my foot so far up yo-

Anyways enjoy the story

⚠︎ Trigger Warning ⚠︎

Izuku sat on his floor scratching at the bandage on his neck, it was covering up the wound from his latest suicide attempt. It was after the twelfth failed attempt that he realized the world was crueler than he realized.

First, it cursed him by making him poor, weak, quirkless, and alone, he wasn't even given a soulmate which EVERYONE had. Every single day he suffered constant abuse and torture simply for existing. It's been going on for fifteen years and now he can't take it anymore but surprise surprise the world won't even allow him the sweet release of death.

It wanted him to keep suffering, he just knew it but not anymore, if he can't end his life then he's going to do something to make it enjoyable and worth living, he was going to have the life he felt he deserved.

Izuku was far past his limits, he prayed for a miracle, he prayed for at least one good thing to happen. He prayed with everything he had in him and then the next day his mother was killed on her way home.

The one person who was kind to him and loved him unconditionally, he prayed begging to have a better life and instead, the world took the only thing he had left. Then once he tried to end it all to end his suffering and be with her the world wouldn't let him.

It wanted him to suffer and fall into despair but he wasn't going to do that. It wanted to destroy him but instead, Izuku was going to destroy it, an eye for an eye right?

If God wasn't going to answer him then he'd turn to someone who just might, it was his final option. Thankfully it was currently still summer break so no one would come searching for him anytime soon.

The only people who'd come to his house were Mitsuki and Masaru, because he was suicidal they didn't like leaving him alone for too long. However, they just checked in on him yesterday meaning they wouldn't be back for a couple days.

Izuku finished drawing all the symbols and got up, careful not to mess anything up, and went to grab a bandage for his bleeding finger. He had written the summoning Pentagram in his own blood.

If he was going to do this then he was going to be serious about it and not half-ass it. He then lit every candle and closed his curtains so the room was as dark as can be, save for the candlelight.

He then sat down in front of the Pentagram and closed his eyes exhaling and forming a symbol with his hands.

"I had to learn Latin for this, it better fucking work," Izuku mumbled.

"Rogo te, o princeps daemone, ut sanguinem agamus. Gratum mihi fac praesentia tua, et maximam voluntatem meam concede."

(A/N: I am not responsible for anything that happens if you say that out loud lmao. Here is the translation "I call for the, oh demonic ruler, to make a deal in blood. Please grace me with your presence and grant my greatest wish.")

Izuku opened his eyes and the candles began to flicker wildly as the room violently shook before they completely burned out and reignited with red flames.

"Oh shit," Izuku mumbled in shock.

"You are mighty brave to have called for me directly child, you must not fear death," A sinister voice spoke sending a chill down his spine.

"I'm going, to be honest, I didn't think this would actually work but no I do not," Izuku said after collecting himself.

"Interesting~ You say you want to make a deal child, tell me what it is you desire~"

"Before that, one are you truly Satan, and two I'd like to see who I'm talking to,"

"My my, questioning my identity and making demands, you truly are a brave child. Demons cannot lie, I am who I say I am,"

Izuku watched as a being's face began to materialize in the center of the Pentagram, Izuku couldn't begin to describe or comprehend what he was seeing. He just knew that the entity before him was the most captivating person he had ever seen.



"Then tell me what it is you want,"

"I want to be so powerful that no one can rival me and I want to be so impenetrable that nothing and no one can ever hurt me, mentally or physically.

Whenever I die I want to be reborn eternally with the same power, with each rebirth it gets stronger. Even if this world ends I want to be reborn in another world or universe.

And lastly, I want someone who is solely mine, I want them to love me eternally and will only be loyal to me. They can never fall out of love or betray me and I want them to have all the same as me so we can be together in every life.

I want us to keep all of our memories as well, you can give me this right?" Izuku asked.

"You're a greedy one aren't you, that is quite a lot you are asking for from me. I expected you to ask for your mother back or for a strong quirk and money," Satan said intrigued.

"I just want the power to do what I want, how I want and the right to live until I feel like I have lived enough. I want the right to experience loving and being loved, I want everything the world has denied me. Can you give me that?" Izuku asked again.

The being held out its hand, "I can~"

Izuku eyed them, "I would like there to be a contract, one that can't be broken,"

"That is a smart decision," Satan chuckled.

The entity bit down on its finger and began writing the contract in it's blood, allowing Izuku to read its contents. Satan held up his thumb so that they can seal the contract and Izuku removed the bandage on his thumb and paused.

"I know there's likely a loophole so that you can collect my soul as your end of the deal. I only ask that you wait until I'm finally ready to die and don't do anything too painful to me once I'm yours.

I think I've suffered enough, I know you have no obligation to grant me this extra request I just thought I'd at least ask," Izuku shrugged, connecting their thumbs and forming a blood contract.

"You truly are an interesting child, I'm going to observe you, I think it will be interesting~" Izuku winced as a symbol burned itself into his flesh before disappearing.

Izuku looked at him, "How will I find my partner?"

"Your soul will guide you to them, use my gifts well child~" The entity slowly disappeared, leaving behind nothing but his smile before that vanished too.

Izuku blink and his curtains were now open and the candles had been seemingly blown out making Izuku grin.

It actually worked

He got off the floor and yawned, "I should clean this up...I'll do it later I'm tired," he collapsed on the bed falling asleep immediately.

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