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My alarm goes off. Jeez what time is it? I ask myself. It's 6 in the morning. I have 1 hour before I go to Lo'ak's house. I'm heading downstairs when I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. It's the group chat . I stop for a moment to check what's happening.

Teyam-6:04am- you guys still down to come round today?
Nuggets-6:04am- I am😘
My love-6:05am- get a room. And since when was everyone coming over?
Teyam-6:05- Since a while.
Teyam-6:06am- do you not read the gc?
Lo'ak-6:06am- I usually have it on mute😊✌️
Teyam-6:06am- Of course you do🙄
Ao'nung-6:07am- Idiot

Teyam-6:07am- Be nice or else.

Nuggets-6:07am- You can't do anything cause I'm 🔛🔝 ;)


Teyam-6:08am- Nung wishes he was 🔛🔝 but he is ⬇ lol

My love-6:08am- Guys we don't need this info rn.....

Kitty-6:08- Yeah... get a room you two.

Nuggets-6:09am- Stop being homophobic guys your making me cry🥺


Kitty-6:11am- No.

Teyam-6:11am- Homo


*I laugh so fucking hard*

Me-6:12am- GUYS AINT TUK IN THIS GC!!!!!!


Me-6:12am- OK!!!!

Me-6:13am- I CAN'T HELP!!

Teyam-6:14am- She is 13 she wont understand this ( I hope 😅)

Tuk-6:14- Guys it's so early why are you blowing up my phone🥺

My love-6:15am- Sorry Tuk Tuk.


That was some intense texting right there. GREAT, now I have less time to get ready! 45 minutes. As I walk to the kitchen I see Ao'nung sitting on the kitchen island eating some toast. I walk in and say good morning. I eat some toast. I pull out the ice trays and grab an ice cube. I go to the bathroom and ice my face. Then I shower. And do my skin and stuff. But I cbf to do my makeup. I get dressed. It's now 6:45. 15 minutes. I pack a bag that contains:

Lots of gum, hat, towel, bikini, hair brush, deodorant, and my water bottle. I grab it all and I tell Ao'nung he has to drive me. "K, I'm coming over to and so is Rotxo so we will all be there btw" he says. "I know dingus I read the gc" he scoffs and gets up and grabs his bag and we leave. It's 6:55am and we are 4 minutes away from their house. We arrive. "Now we have to knock" He says. I knock and Tuk answers. "HELLO REYA!" Tuk exclaims. "Hey Tuk Tuk" I say. "Hey Nuggets" She says. "Hey Tukie" He says.

She leads us inside. "Where are you mum and dad?" I ask. "They left for work already" She says. Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Kiri were all sitting on the couch. I sit next to Lo'ak and Ao'nung sits with Neteyam. We all look at them all funny because of the gc situation... "Stop guys we were JOE KING" Neteyam says. We all start laughing. "Baby do you wanna go swimming in the pool" Lo'ak asks me. "Yeah, even though its 7:10" I laugh. "It's better early haha" He laughs.

"Hey guys yall wanna go for a swim?" Lo'ak asked everyone. "Yeahhh" Everyone says. We all get up and go to get changed. Me and Lo'ak go to his room. Rotxo arrives while we are gone and he goes with Kiri to her room. And Ao'nung goes with Neteyam. I got changed with Lo'ak in his room. Once we were done I was touching up my hair and he came up behind me. Hands on my waist and he kisses the side of my neck while hugging me.

"Lo'akkk" I exclaim. "I missed you baby" He says pouting. " We were apart for like 12 hours" I say flabbergasted. "TO LONGGGGG" He exclaims. I spin around so I'm facing him and I give him a soft kiss on the lips. He leans into it and after like 10 seconds we pull apart. He grips my hand in his and we go to the pool. Everyone is already there and splashing around. We both jump in holding hands. It is so cold but so fun. We play chicken and I beat Rotxo and Kiri while being on Lo'aks shoulders. Now I have to go against Ao'nung oh nooo. I grab his wrists and push him backwards and he does the same to me. I fall into the water and Lo'ak literally drowns. Ao'nung and Neteyam start cheering and all that. We swam for a long time until we got bored so we got out.


We have been swimming for like 50 minutes. It's like 8 something now. It's hot. We all sit on the concrete around the pool. We are sorta in a deconstructed circle. "Guys we should have a get together at new years" I say to everyone. "YESS"Rotxo and Lo'ak tell me. "And I have something to tell you guys" I say. They all go dead silent and lean in a little. "I'm moving into my new apartment tomorrow!" I exclaim. "WHAT OH MY GOD!!!" Everyone yells. "We could have the party there" I tell them. "YES! That's perfect" Reya says.

I'm actually so excited to move into my apartment. I have been saving money since I was a year 9 for this apartment. It has a big balcony and 3 bedrooms so two guests and mine and 2 bathrooms. It's very fancy. And since it didn't cost all my money I got a car to. I got a tesla for $40,000 I had $200,000. Neteyam is going to move in with me but it is a secret. He will move and everyone will find out on new years. Cuz we are so smartyyyy. We plan it and Kiri, Lo'ak, and Reya are all excited because they can drink. "Can we PLEASE have alcohol at the party!?" Kiri asks. Tsireya and Lo'ak are nodding telling me to say yes. "Well obviously I want some to" I say. They all laugh and we all start heading inside.

We were out there for long enough to get dry so none of us are wet anymore.

*time skip. It's now 6pm*


Long story short we all are staying the night now. Everyone is cuddled with their partner on the couches. Except Tuk (Poor Tuk). We are watching this movie called 'My Girl' Istg i'm bouta cry in a second. Tsireya is already bawling into Lo'ak's chest and Ao'nung and Rotxo are laughing at her. Kiri and Tuk are just sitting there bored af. Once the movie is finished we all head out to our garage (except Tuk) to hang out. It's about 7:40pm rn. We all take a seat on the couches in the garage. We plan the new years party, I'm so excited for it. Plus I'm moving in with him too. The only people who know are my parents and his parents.

We just ordered 6 pizzas with our parents money. "Yo guys we should play something to kill time" Rotxo says. "Yeah, what game?" Tsireya says. "TRUTH OR DARE!" Kiri exclaims. We all agreed and we start with Lo'ak. "Lo'ak, truth or dare?" Kiri asks. "Dare" He says. "I dare you to jump in the pool" she says.

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