chapter 58: a cactus

Start from the beginning


I brush my hands over my dampen short hair, not really bothering to brush it. I never bothered to brush my hair ever since I was a kid, I just make sure it looks presentable and if it doesn't I'll fix it with my hands.

My hair always looked more thick if I didn't brush it, if I did I'd look like a long haired flat coconut. My hair was never really the most envied part of me when I still stayed at Malaya. My nose, lips, eyes, hands, all of those were admired and wanted by the local girls. But my bushy and thick hair never seemed to attract the beauty standard.

My mother would've always scolded me for not brushing my hair, saying It wasn't neat or royal like. I didn't really mind. I liked my hair that way anyways.

I check myself over in the mirror, seeing my brown trousers and brown vest reflected in the mirror.

"yeah I look fine enough for dinner. Regardless of my two hour nap." I put on my jacket and left the room.

As I shut the door a small gloomy man walks past me. He didn't even look up or say hi.

I call out his name and chase after him. After the second time of calling after him, only then he looks up. Even then he only gave a small upwards twitch on his lips.

"Hey what's wrong?"  I asked merry. He shrugged and continued walking. "Where's Pippin?" I look behind us and see no one there except for the torches lighting up the room.

Merry winced as I mentioned Pippin's name. "Pippin went with Gandalf to Minas Tirith." 

"oh." I mouthed. No wonder he was glum. His best friend wasn't here and for valar knows how long.

"I know. I never realized how quiet my life was without him. Pippin was always with me to deafen my ears." Merry chuckles. "and now...he's off to another country. I won't even know how long he'll be away from me. Being away from home for months was already daunting enough, now I have to be away from home all alone with no one I know as long as him." He looked up to me, tears shielded his eyes.

Oh hobbits...they stick with each other so much and when one of them are gone for a while, they weep. For me it wasn't surprising when a friend is away for a while or even months. Sometimes my crew need a vacation once in a while. Even Radelia and Daratrine.

I even endured losing Legolas for a hundred years.

"I mean at least you'll have some peace for a couple of days." I shove my hands in my pockets. Merry snorts and nods.

"yeah I guess I do get an advantage."

"don't worry Merry. Pippin won't be away for long. In a couple of days he'll come back to you and he'll be perfectly safe. The same as he was this morning." I ruffle Merry's golden curls.

Merry nods and we continue our way to dinner.


They all acted like usual and didn't address the fact that I ran out on them this morning. Good, they did a good decision sparing themselves of a grim night.

Aragorn repeated the plan to me and told how we'll be following the river. Aragorn also asked me if I knew what Gandalf meant by black ships.

I shove the chicken in my mouth as he mentions the fleet. I felt the urge to not eat anything for tonight. One thing I very certainly missed about my kingdom was our spices. Only few places in middle earth produced spices as good as ours. But it certainly didn't grow on places like Rohan or gondor or any other elven kingdom. I don't think any dwarf kingdom grew any either.

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