How dare you!..

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After the night at the firehouse, the severides were at peace. Yes they knew this wouldn't last long but while they had this time they were gonna use it. Their routine seemed to stay consistent for a few weeks with shift and Bella therapy, everyone was happy. From what Kelly and Stella could tell Bella was her happy self. She would always crack a joke with gallo and always halo make fun of Capp some how, some way. Yes, every so often Bella would have difficult night with nightmares and not wanting to sleep but Stella and Kelly could deal with that, if it meant the day time was good and they could do things as a family.

One morning on shift Stella was checking some equipment on truck when she saw a familiar face turn up, carver, at first Stella was scared of him but slowly realised that she shouldn't be as squad were at their table. Apart from Kelly who was in his office. Stella didn't know weather to go talk to him or not but she knew that talking couldn't hurt. "Her carver, how-" Stella got cut off. "HOW DARE YOU! I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU BITCH!" Carver yelled at her while pushing her. Stella fell to the floor and landed on her wrist. "I'm sorry, I-" Stella was cut off again but by a different voice. " hey carver! Keep your hands off my wife!" Kelly yelled coming over and standing in between carver and Stella. "Cruz, get carver off of the premises." Kelly said while staying carver down. Quickly turning around to help Stella off the floor and to check her wrist. "I'm ok Kelly. Don't worry" stela said with a smile on her face. Kelly then held her hand and took her to his office. They laid on his bunk for awhile while processing what just happened.

After shift they Stella and Kelly went to Cindys to go collect Bella as Bella stayed the night there as her and Annabel have become good friends over the last few weeks.

After a couple hours everyone had eaten breakfast and now Bella and Kelly were watching a movie while Stella was in the shower cleaning the shift away. After a 20 minutes Stella come out of hers and Kelly's room in sweatpants and one of his old squad shirts and sat in one of the chairs and just played on her phone. "I'm going to go do homework, see ya." Bella said while making her way to her room. After a couple minutes Kelly tried talking to Stella but Stella just stood up and walked to their room and fell asleep. She wasn't in the mood to talk about anything. Carver or not, she didn't want to talk.

Ooooooo he's backkkkk sorry not sorry xoxo

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