The heat

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Today it was like 85 degrees in Chicago. Unfortunately it has been a very busy day for truck. Bella was at the squad table as all units were on a call and truck got back first. Usually Stella would wait with Bella but today she went straight to her office. A couple minutes later squad got back and Bella thought she'd tell Kelly what happened. "Dad, Come here!" Bella yelled across the app floor. "Yea? What's wrong?" Kelly asked. "Somethings up with mom. She looked quite pale if you ask me." Bella said with a look of concern on her face. "Ok I'll go check on her" Kelly said while walking to her office.

Once Kelly got there he saw Stella with her head in her hands. "Hey, Stella? You okay?" Kelly asked. He knew something was up. "Yea, im fine. I uh..." Stella started but fell off her chair. Luckily Kelly caught her and she was still awake but she was very over heated. "Help! I NEED HELP IN HERE!" Kelly yelled out hoping someone would hear him. A couple seconds later Brett ran in and yelled out for violet to get the stretcher and a back board. "Stella hunny. What happened?" Brett asked. "I don't know, it's.. help..." Stella wasn't making any sense. "Kelly get her jacket off. Now!" Brett said while preparing an iv for some cold fluids. Once Stella's jacket was off Brett put an iv in her arm and made sure Stella was still awake. "Ok get her on the back board!" Brett said while sorting something else out. "Ok on my count 1...2...3..." they lifted Stella on to the stretcher. "Ok let's go!"

Once at med dr Halstead gave Stella some cold fluids to bring her temperature down. "Ok so from what we can tell she's going to be fine. She got what we call heatstroke. I'm sure you aware of them going round? due to Chicago weather right now." Will said "omg thank you will!" Kelly said glad that Stella would be ok. "So she's not gonna die?" Bella asked Kelly. "No she's gonna be just fine!" Kelly said. "Can we see her?" Kelly asked referring to him and Bella. " of corse, follow me!" Will said walking to Stella's room. "Hi." Stella said half asleep. "Hi-" Kelly started but then a horrible beeping sound came across. He knew what that meant. He was loosing Stella.. "No! Stella! Baby!" Kelly said tears falling down his face. "Kelly please leave! We'll do everything we can!" Will said rushing to Stella's side.

After what felt like forever will came out with a look of sadness on his face. "Unfortunately we couldn't save her. She had an underlining condition that we didn't know about. She had lung cancer. I'm sorry Kelly. We Done everything we could. She died.." will said "NO! NO I JUST FOUND HER!" Bellas screams echoed around the waiting room. Boden holding her because if he didn't she would of fallen or ran. Neither of them would help the situation.

Kelly couldn't believe what he heard. His wife is dead. No one could ever bring her back.

Sorry not sorry

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