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Glenn and I stood atop of the school building. "What are you doing?" I questioned as he headed towards the edge of building, standing on the ledge.

"Come on!" He gestured with a smile, "we're going to jump!"

"Jump?" I exclaimed, shaking my head furiously. What have i gotten myself into.

"When you said something exciting i was expecting to speed around in the golf carts and crash into stuff or something. Not jumping off a fucking building!" He laughed at my panicked state. He hopped off the ledge and headed over to me.

"Come on," he held out his hand. I looked at him skeptically, "i'm not gonna push ya, you have my word. You can back out any time."

"Will it hurt?"

He shook his head, "no. You can't die twice." I stayed silent. "It gives you a rush. It makes you feel! Don't you want to feel!"

I have felt numb for so long, i have almost forgot how it felt to feel. To feel that adrenaline rushing through your (dead) blood. To feel that excitement. I wanted to feel.

I slowly took his hand, walking toward the ledge together. I stepped up, balancing myself.

I looked down below at the grass and the horizon out in front of me. My breath was uneven and shaky, something i haven't felt in a while.

My hand was still tightly clasped around Glenn's, he looked at me with a smile. "You ready?"

I looked at him with a small smile forming too, "you jump, i jump jack." His smile grew wider.

"Feel Lori, feel." He whispered before moving our hands forward.

I closed my eyes tightly as my feet slowly left the sturdy ground. I was flying. I was feeling.

The adrenaline rushed through my veins as my eyes shot open, toward the end of my fall, i felt alive. I hit the ground harshly, but he was right... it didn't hurt.

I slowly got up from the grass, moving my hair out of my face and dusting off my clothes. I remained silent, my eyes still wide and a smile across my face.

"So?" Glenn questioned, a wide grin across his face.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed with a laugh, "that was amazing!"

He laughed with me, hugging me to his side. My smile was big, that exhilarating feeling still influencing my body.

I danced around, happily. Him beginning to dance around with me, "i knew you had it in ya, Love!"

I hugged him once more, "thank you."

"Any time."

"Lori, i've been looking around everywhere for you," i separated from Glenn to see Wally.

He stood between me and Glenn, examining our smiles, "what's going on?"

"Nothing, we were just having a bit of fun," I smiled.

"Let me know if you ever want to go again, you know where to find me," Glenn sent a wink before stealing a golf cart and driving away, screaming. I laughed as i watched him go.

"You and Glenn hanging out? Since when? And go again at what?"  He questioned as we made our way back into the school.

"Since this afternoon. And you'll never know my secrets," I smiled.

"Huh, didn't know you two were so close." He looked away from me, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"We're not close."

•GOLDEN HOUR•   WALLY CLARKWhere stories live. Discover now