you and me pt 2

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I can't help but be enchanted by the sky today,
Its beautiful gradient of purple and blue hues
Complements your luscious locks in every way.
Oh, how I could stare at the periwinkle heaven endlessly,
But to gaze into your eyes is all I really need.
The galaxies may be a million light years away,
But I see them shimmering in your captivating gaze.
It's true, I see the entire universe in you,
And I ponder one thing endlessly in my mind:
If the multiverse is real, then surely it must be true,
That in every life and dimension, I'll find you.
Our destiny has been sealed since the beginning of time,
Etched in the stars of the Milky Way, it's our love's sign.
So, don't hesitate to reach out and hold my hand,
Together we'll explore the cosmos, our love will expand.
If we need to run a light year away,
I won't think twice for our love to reach its full display.
In a world that can be so harsh and cruel,
You and I will always find solace in each another's soul.
Through every century, every life, every universe,
Our love will thrive forevermore, it's just you and me - intertwined in the universe.

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