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After Thalia had healed up, they informed her of the issue of the Olympian court. She was shocked about the news of the oath.

When they were sure she was alright, they were flashed to the throne room. All over the demigods and the satyr, Grover, bowed. Zeus pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Percy, how many times do I have to tell you not to bow?" He said, almost smiling at the child.

"P-probably every time I come in here, uncle." Percy said sheepishly.

"Right." The god said. "Well, what has happened that is so important that it had to be brought to the Olympian Council?"

"Yeah, so... You kind of broke the law twice... Before and after Poseiden." Percy said cautiously.

Hera stared at him and then glared at her husband. Percy started to panic, but it only showed in his breathing, which quickened.

"C-could you flash Jason Grace into the room, please?" Percy asked.

Zeus flashed in a small boy, about five, who was eating a- stapler? Thalia rushed over to him and picked him up.

"Jay! How many times do I have to say it? Dont.Eat.Staplers!"  She took the stapler away from her brother.

She checked him over for injuries as he scowled at the stapler.

"Evil monster thing." He said, pouting.

Many of the hunters smiled, reminded of when percy was young. Percy cleared his throat.

"U-uhm, this is Jason and Thalia Grace. He's the son of Jupiter, she's the daughter of Zeus." Percy explained.

Hera stood up, infuriated. She started walking towards the children. Percy stands in front of them, a panicked expression on his face.

"L-lady Hera, wait!" He said, making her stop. "R-remember what you s-said when I was little? 'I-it's not your fault that my brother in law can't control himself' is what you said, right? S-shouldn't that apply to them aswell?"

Hera's face softened as she looked at the children. Percy. Thalia. Jason. She took a deep breath and glared at Zeus.

"Yes...Yes, I suppose you're right." She ruffled his hair and hugged him. "My, my, you really are a little miracle. I shouldn't get angry at the innocent..."

Everyone smiled at the magic Percy was able to work. Suddenly, there was a rumble and Hades and Persephone appeared. Demeter stood up.

"Percy, we know today is your birthday so, Hades, Artemis, Hecate, and I have a few surprizes for you." She said, walking over to him and making a plate of something. "Happy birthday, little one."

She handed the plate to him and he looked at it, tearing up.

"B-blue cookies!..." Tears fell. "T-thank you!!"

He hugged her while Artemis and Hecate walked over to him.

"Hecate and I put something together for you that I think you'll like." Artemis said. "It's an enchantment. Take out your pen, Perce."

He did as she said and Hecate muttered a few words. The pen glowed a bit and stopped, feeling warm in his hand.

"Uncap the pen, dear." Hecate said kindly.

He did and the pen turned into a beautiful white violin and bow with gold details.

"Now, that's my bit. Hers is magical. With this, you can do magical attacks and other things." Artemis smiled at his extatic face. "Just think about whichever one you want it to be, and it will be."

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!" He said happily.

Hades stepped foreward, taking something out of his cloak. He set it down and it mewed. It was a white tiger with piercing blue eyes.

She walked up to the beaming boy and licked his hand. He giggled, making Aphrodite and Persephone coo.

"I'm gonna name her Raja." Percy said softly.

"I'm glad you like her." Hades said. "It was mostly Persephone. I wanted to get you a helhound but she said no."

A smirk played on all of their lips as said goddess sqeezed his shoulder, making his wince in pain.

Everyone laughed and they went on with their business. After the council meeting, Percy had trained Raja and worked on his magical attacks and spells, honing them to perfection.

Soon, he was fighting in perfect sync with the other hunters, as one body in perfect harmony.

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