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CHAPTER ONE: Like Mother, Like Daughter.

Neytiri laid on her side as her body rose with every slow, even breath she took. She was in a deep slumber, so deep that she didn't even hear the commotion that was going on around her.

Not too far away — within arms reach — stood Jake, who was holding a 3 year old Tuk in his arms, her head laying peacefully on his shoulder as she took in everything around her. Or more specifically, her new baby sister. Tuk could not believe it! She is not the youngest anymore!

Next to Jake stood his other children. Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri.

"She is so tiny, dad," Lo'ak observed. Tilting his head up to face his father, he questioned, "Why is she so tiny?"

"Lo'ak, you skxawang. She was born too early. Of course she is going to be tiny," Neteyam answered before his father could, flicking his younger brother on the forehead.

"Ow— okay, okay, my bad, Neteyam," Lo'ak retorted sarcastically, flipping him off. He shifted his gaze from his brother back onto his new baby sister.

"She is adorable," Kiri spoke up, walking forward so she was standing over the peacefully sleeping baby, "She looks just like Mama. Four fingers too!" She laughed in delight

The little baby girl laid on her stomach, her fingers in tiny fists as she created a small spot of drool in her deep slumber. A pleasant and calming scent radiating off of the baby half-breed.

"Mama is okay, right daddy?" Little Tuk asked gently, lifting her head off of her fathers shoulder so that her eyes locked onto her mothers sleeping state.

Kiri, Lo'ak and Neteyam shifted their gazes from their baby sister to their mother.

"Oh, Tuk," Jake whispered, brushing his daughters hair behind her ear. "Mama is just sleeping, my love. She went through a lot."

"I was so scared, Dad," Kiri began, "There was blood, and Mama was screaming, and she was crying, and, and she was holding onto her stomach so tightly I thought something happened to the baby, and—"

She was cut off by her father pulling her into a hug. Kiri clung to her father, wrapping her arms around his torso as Tuk placed her hand on Kiri's head to try and help.

Jake let go of his daughter, bending down so that they were eye-to-eye. Neteyam and Lo'ak stood still as they watched this saddening scene in front of them.

"Kiri, babygirl, you are so, so brave," he breathed, "Thank Eywa that you were so fast. They both made it because of you."

Kiri sucked in a breath

Jake continued, "And I am so sorry you had to see that. But you did an amazing job. You got your grandmother so quickly, and now everything is okay. Mama is okay, your baby sister is okay, we're all okay, okay?"

Kiri nodded, taking a deep breath as she wiped the un-fallen tears from her eyes.

"Okay?" Jake asked again. He needed to make sure his daughter was okay. Witnessing that at only 10 can be very traumatic.

Kiri nodded again, "Okay."

"Okay," Jake sighed. He stood back up placing Tuk on the ground, watching as she took Kiri's hand. "We'll let both of them get some rest, alright? When your mother wakes up, we'll hold the ceremony. And maybe, just maybe, you guys can help name her too."

"Really?" Tuk asked excitedly, jumping up and down on her heals.

They all laughed at the sight of Tuk being so excited.

"She's so happy to be an older sister now," Neteyam said with a chuckle. But he was just as excited too, he would protect his baby sister — both of them — with his life.

Jake smiled, locking eyes with Neteyam, as if reading his mind. He was so blessed to have such an amazing family.

Walking over towards Neytiri, Jake bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek, holding their foreheads together for a quick moment.

He walked over to his sleeping baby, bending down and caressing her cheek with a fond smile plastered on his face.

"Can I touch her, daddy?" Tuk asked quietly from behind Jake's left shoulder. Kiri stood next to her, their hands still holding one another. Tuk had an adorable little smile on her face, her teeth brightening up the forest.

"Oh, wait, me too! I want to hold her, dad!" Lo'ak voiced, if you could even call it that, from behind. He moved quickly so that he stood beside Tuk and Kiri.

"Hey, wait! I'm the oldest. I should get to hold her first, shouldn't I, Dad?" Neteyam whined, speed walking so that he stood on the other side of his father.

"Lo'ak, Neteyam," Jake scolded lightly, "Quiet voices. Okay? You don't want to wake either of them up, and baby's have very sensitive hearing. You should know this, it was the same when little Tuk was just a baby," he murmured, poking Tuk in her cheek causing her to let out a little giggle.

"Sorry, Dad," they both apologized in a much quieter tones.

"Here, i'll pick her up and pass her to you Tuk," Jake began, but paused as Lo'ak glared and Neteyam pouted, Jake clarified, "Only because she asked first."

"Tuk, you're going to have to be very gentle with your baby sister, okay? She is very—"

Jake suddenly got cut off by an adorable gurgle sound the filled everyone's ears with happiness. He looked down, meeting the eyes of his newborn daughter. She stuck her hand into her mouth as adorable baby sounds continued to leave her mouth, her bright yellow eyes — exactly like her mothers — moving from face to face.

"Oh my Eywa," Kiri said stunned, a gaint smile making it's way onto her face, "She is beautiful."

"She really does look just like Mom, doesn't she?" Neteyam commented just as his new baby sister let out a little yawn.

As the little baby continued to babble and squeal while looking around, she suddenly stopped. Her tail began to flicker profusely as she made grabby hands towards a certain someone, that someone being Lo'ak. She whined as she grabbed ahold of his tail with her tight, baby grip.

"Baby sister..." Lo'ak whispered in awe. A warm smile making it's way onto his face. He looked up at his dad, as if asking for permission to be the first one to hold her. He nodded, a look of fondness in his eyes.

Lo'ak bent down and gently, ever so gently, picked up his baby sister. She let go of his tail, and instantly wrapped her little arms around his much bigger neck. She continued to make gurgle sounds as she laid her chubby cheek along Lo'ak's shoulder. He began rubbing soothing circles along her back as she brought one of her tiny hands back into her mouth.

Everyone, — including Jake, — instantly moved so that they were standing in front of the newest member of their family.

"So cute! This is the best ever," Tuk sung. She raised her hand wanting to touch her baby sister, but paused. She locked eyes with her father, "I can touch her, right, Daddy?"

He nodded, picking Tuk up so that she could reach.

Tuk moved her hand so that it was gently rubbing her sister's cheek. Her baby sister seemed to like that, as she then let out an adorable coo and grabbed one of Tuk's four fingers. Tuk smiled, and smiled, and smiled until it felt like her cheeks might go numb.

"I love you, little sister."

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