Chapter 10

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As I sat at my desk behind Jay in class, I found myself unable to focus on the lecture. My mind was consumed with a million worries, all of which seemed to be gnawing at me relentlessly. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled within me. I found myself stealing glances at Jay's back as he sat in front of me.

It had been weeks since he had returned to the dorm. He opted instead to stay in Jake's room. When I asked him what was wrong, he simply shrugged and said that he didn't want to talk about it yet. It was the same response he had given me when I had inquired about his animosity towards Heeseung.

As his best friend and childhood friend, it was frustrating to see Jay so closed off, and I was slowly starting to get irritated. It was clear that he was hurting, and yet he stubbornly refused to open up about what was bothering him. I wanted to confront him about it, to force him to talk, but I knew that it would only lead to a fight. Jay was fiercely independent, and he would clam up at the slightest provocation.

I shook my head, determined to focus on the lecture, when movement outside the window caught my attention. It was Heeseung, walking past with Jake and Sunghoon. He was chatting with his friends, but his eyes were fixed on me as he passed by the classroom. It was strange—he had stopped talking to me a weeks ago, exactly as I asked him to. And yet, whenever I was in this classroom, he always seemed to walk by and look at me through the glass. I couldn't help but return his gaze, even as Sunghoon and Jake waved at me from behind him.

I looked away as the bell rang, and the lecture had now come to an end. Other students left before the lecturer dismissed them. Others stayed behind, pushing their books into their bags, and I did the same.

"Jay," I called out, hoping to catch his attention and talk to him. But he raced out of the room without even acknowledging me. Ignoring me was becoming his habit lately, and it left me feeling drained and frustrated. With a heavy sigh, I rose from my seat and walked out of the room with Max at my side. She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Knowing all too well how much Jay's cold behavior affected me, even more so now that I had developed feelings for him.

I offered her a strained smile, trying to reassure her that I was fine and didn't want her to worry about me as we walked out of the classroom.

"Max and Y/N!" we heard Jake's voice call out to us. The three guys who had walked past our classroom were standing near the hallway, waiting for us. Sunghoon waved us over, urging us to come closer.

As we approached them, Heeseung walked back until he was leaning against the wall, making sure to keep a safe distance between us. I looked at him, but he looked away and refused to make eye contact with me again as he crossed his arms.

"What's up?" Max asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

Sunghoon wasted no time and got straight to the point. "We need your help with ideas for the end-of-year festival."

"The festival?" I repeated, trying to wrap my head around what he was asking.

They proceeded to explain to me that every year, the university organizes a festival a few days after the final semester exams. This festival was aimed at helping students unwind and relieve stress after the harsh and busy school year. Despite the various parties that students threw on the weekends, the end-of-year festival was the only thing everyone looked forward to. Typically, a group of second-year students would choose a theme and then plan and organize the event accordingly every year.

Last year's theme was "literary," and it turned out to be a massive disappointment. The only redeeming quality was the fact that everyone could dress up as their favorite book character, and the food was in the shape of books or stationery. However, everyone had to read a chapter from the selected book, and the music was all from the movie adaptation's soundtrack. Most people left early that day and went to a party instead, which is why the boys were determined to make this year's festival one that everyone would enjoy. Unfortunately, they were at a loss for ideas.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora