#10: Mixed Feelings.

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I open my eyes to a new day and a really weird dream. A dream of me and Katakuri in a romantic relationship. Brulée is taking an effect in my subconscious now. Crap. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to see Katakuri the same without thinking of the dream and how nice it felt.

I get myself out of bed and get ready for the day. Honestly I'm not sure exactly what to do. I mean I can bake, maybe that can pass the time and I'm not sure if Katakuri's going to get donuts today so maybe I can make him a treat. 

With the plan in mind I go down stairs and ready myself to bake some donuts. I'm glad I brought those donuts to Katakuri everyday because now I know which donut he likes to eat often. Which are mochi donuts!

I put the apron on, wash my hands and I'm ready to bake! I quickly snatch the ingredients and start the fire. Once preparations complete, now it's to actually make the dough. I start with the dry ingredients and then add the wet ingredients, mix them all up and start making them into their desired shape and plop them into the oil. 

The aurora of the donuts started to fill up the kitchen and lead it's way through the house, so much so that Katakuri was in the kitchen in a few minutes. Probably by smelling the sweet smell of his favorite food.

-"What made you decide to bake donuts?"

-"Well I haven't seen Mary around lately, bringing your donuts for your merienda. So I decided to surprise you, although your surprise was spoiled since you smelled it." I pout, I really wanted to surprise him with some home made sweets, but I hear him chuckle behind me.

-"You have no idea how surprised I was to smell one of my favorite meals on this planet coming from my kitchen and to see you making them. Your surprise was still a success." I blushed at his words, but more so to the fact that it looked like he wanted to hug me. It looked like he was about to walk towards me and lift me off of the ground into a bear hug, and oh how much I wanted him to act on those instincts, but alas that wasn't going to happen. Although I still smile with joy.

-"Well I'm glad to hear that my surprise was still a success. They'll be ready any minute now. You can sit at the table if you'd like."

-"Thank you."


-"Taking care of me. Heck you're making my favorite food. Some people would mistaken you as my wife." Wife. That's a word that brought a shiver down my spine and a blush on my cheeks. It was an odd feeling, but a welcomed one.

-"Well, Here's your donuts! I hope you enjoy them!" I say, trying to change the subject and putting a plate full of donuts. "I know it isn't exactly like Mary's baking, but I hope their still delicious." 

He grabs one of many donuts from the place, he was starting to bring it towards his face but stops midway and looks at me.

-"Sorry to impose, but could you look away?" Right, he doesn't like showing his face. I nod and turn my back towards him. Looking at the little mess I've made while baking the donuts. 

-"These... These are amazing." I hear Katakuri say behind me. It took every ounce of my being not to turn around and show my excitement on how I successfully made donuts that he loves. Although I have to respect his boundaries and a smile gleefully.

-"I'm glad that they turned out well. I wasn't sure if they we're good or not."

-"Well they're the best one's I've ever had. Thank you."


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