#5 A different type of cleaning

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After the day that I talked to Mary about taking over the job for delivering the donuts, I have been able to memorize the trail now after a week, but Katakuri doesn't want to talk. All I do is knock try to say hi, he makes a gruff hello and closes the door on my face. I haven't been able to make any progress at all! Why is it so difficult to talk to this guy?! 

Today I am delivering the donuts to Katakuri's house again and I'm making it my goal to talk to him. At least once. 

As me and Mary finish baking the fresh donuts, I put them all in the basket and start getting ready to leave the bakery to deliver the donuts to Katakuri. Along the way I tried to think many ways to maybe start a conversation with Katakuri, but every situation I can think of all I can think is him trying to avoid the conversation or still doing his usual 'hello'. 

Once I arrive at the enormous house and drop off the basket in same place as always and knot on the door twice. Just like everyday. But this time it wasn't like everyday. He didn't answer immediately. Usually Katakuri would open the door right after I finished knocking on the door. It was like he could see the future or he would just stand at the door waiting like a dog for his treats. But I wasn't just going to leave not now when I decided today to talk to him. I was too stubborn to give up now. So I waited for him to open the door.

I waited 5 minutes and got nothing. I knocked again. Maybe he didn't hear me the first time. Another 5 minutes goes by. Is he trying this hard to avoid me?! I wait for another 5 god dam minutes and he isn't answering his god dam door. I mean there is a chance that he isn't home. But Mary told me that he would always the at his house for his 'Merienda' is what she would call it. Just as I was about the leave, finally giving up on having an actual conversation with the guy. 

The door opens.

Instead of seeing Katakuri's face being stoic as ever, this time he looked like he was in immense pain.

-"Oh, good. I though you would have left by now. I need your help. You don't faint at the sight of blood, do you?" Katakuri says, I look down to his lower stomach where he was holding a piece of cloth over. He must have hurt himself in battle. 

-"No, I don't faint at the sight of blood. What do you need help for?" I say, walking closer to the door.

-"Good, because I need you to help me clean and stitch this wound of mine. Can you do that?" Since I got closer to him I was able to see that he didn't just get the wound on his stomach but he had bruises and more cuts in other places. It looks like he was trying to clean and bandage up his wounds. No wonder it took him so long to open the door.

-"Yes, I can. Why are you injured?" 

-"I'll tell you later, please come in." Katakuri opens the door wider letting me enter his enormous house. I brought in the donuts as well.

As I entered his house I could see more of what it looked like and the layout as well. Since before I couldn't as every time he opens his door, you just see him, nothing else. He shows me to his I think living room as he sits himself on a chair and shows me all the tools that I'll need to fix him up with.

-"The kitchen is further down the hallway the second left and the bathroom is the first right." Katakuri says, while trying to get comfortable on his already bloodied up couch. That couch will need some serious cleaning or he's going to have to replace it.

-"Alright. I'll start off by cleaning your wound." I say, as I get on the couch as well and let him slowly remove the cloth he had on it from bleeding any further that it already did. He had a giant bucket beside the couch that was already had pink ish colour in it and a few rags that he probably used for his other wounds. 

-"I'm going to change the water for cleaner water, before cleaning your wound. I'll be back." I grab the bucked and walk my way towards his kitchen. He said it was the second left for the kitchen and the first right for the bathroom right? 

As I walk down his hallway and enter the room on the second left. I see that Katakuri was using the kitchen as well for patching up his wounds. Because there was blood everywhere, it looks like a deadly battle between two people happened here. I can't Imagine what the bathroom would look like now. Is it cleaner or worse? Now I wonder how badly is he injured? 

I walk over to the sink and flip over the bucket to empty it and run some water to fill it back up.

After finishing filling up the bucket and cleaning my hands, I rush over back to the living room to clean Katakuri's wound. Just as I prepare to clean his wound I, look over to see what the wound looks like and it looked like shit. It was a big gash in his stomach, it was mainly on his left, but it looked terrible. How on earth did he get this badly hurt? How did he get this injurie?

I dunk the soon to be red stained rag and wring it. I start dabbing the rag on the outside, trying to be gentle and careful with how sensitive it is. But when the rag touches his body, Katakuri flinches. I look up to see how much it hurt, worrying that I might have hurt him in a way.

-"It's cold, but don't worry, please continue." I nod and continue my work.

After a while of cleaning his wound, I used two rags in the end. Now it was time to stitch it close. Luckily for me I know what I'm doing, as I was in college for being a doctor. Sadly, since we are 3000 years in the past, they don't really have anything to numb the pain, so Katakuri will be feeling me stitching up his wound.


I was finally done stitching up that terrible wound, I went to the bath room and washed my hands quickly and went back to wrap it with gauze. Now that all of the difficult stuff was out of the way, I finally realized how close I am to this guy. I mean I could smell his cologne and I can just ogle at this amazing body of his. The best part is. I get to touch him. Not in a weird way! I'm still helping this dude! But gosh. He's hot.

-"Alright, I'm all done. I suggest you not to move you're body too much as you could risk reopening your wound." I say, finally over with this. I'm going to have to explain my situation to Mary for being gone for so long.

-"Thank you. I apologize for taking your time. I'll pay you for you're help." Katakuri says, as he tries to get back up, but fails to do so as he winces at how much pain he's in and sits back down.

-"I could stay a bit longer if you would like and take of you till you've healed completely. I don't mind and I don't think you'll have a great time with that wound on your own." I offer.

-"I would be very grateful for that. Thank you." And with that I needed to think for an excuse to miss a few more days of work, so I can take care of this guy.


Hello! I finally got another chapter out! Sorry for taking a while. I have been writing for some other things and my life got a bit chaotic lately. I apologize for that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time!


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