Chapter 3: Making Money

Start from the beginning

Li Mei and Zhang Wei made their way to the first restaurant in hopes of selling the shiitake mushrooms, but upon arriving, they were met with a disappointing sight. The restaurant's staff looked at them from head to toe, taking notice of their tattered and worn-out clothes.

"Sorry, we're not looking for suppliers right now. You can try somewhere else," the restaurant manager said dismissively.

Li Mei felt a pang of disappointment, but she refused to let it get the better of her. She knew that they needed to sell the mushrooms in order to make ends meet, and she wasn't going to give up that easily.

"Thank you for your time," Li Mei said politely, before turning to Zhang Wei. "Let's try another restaurant."

They walked to another restaurant and thankfully, they were able to get in. Li Mei confidently approached the manager and explained that she had shiitake mushrooms for sale and had also prepared a recipe for stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with tofu.

Li Mei stepped forward, determined to make a good impression. "We have a special recipe for stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with tofu that we can demonstrate to your chefs. We believe that it will be a hit with your customers."

The manager looked at her skeptically, but Li Mei's enthusiasm and determination eventually won him over. He agreed to let her demonstrate her recipe and try it out. It would not hurt to have a new dish so they could attract more customers. Their business is a little slow now because they have a lot of other restaurants in this area as competitors.

The owner considered for a moment and then nodded. "Alright, I'll give you a chance. Follow me."

Li Mei and Zhang Wei followed the owner into the kitchen where the chefs were preparing food for the lunch rush. The owner introduced them to the head chef and instructed him to prepare a wok for Li Mei to cook her dish.

Li Mei got to work, chopping the tofu into small cubes and then heating up the wok with some oil. She added the tofu and shiitake mushrooms to the wok, along with some garlic and ginger, and stirred them around until they were cooked to perfection.

The chefs gathered around the wok, their mouths watering at the delicious aroma. Li Mei added some soy sauce and oyster sauce to the wok, along with some green onions and a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

The head chef took a taste of the dish and then nodded approvingly. "This is delicious! We'll definitely add it to our menu. How much do you want for the mushrooms and the recipe?"

Li Mei smiled, feeling relieved and proud of her hard work. "We can sell you the mushrooms for 3 yuan per catty and we can give you the recipe for a 10% cut of the sales."

The owner considered for a moment and then nodded. "Deal. We'll take all of the mushrooms that you have and we'll pay you every time we sell a dish using your recipe. We'll sign a contract with you and give you a copy"

Li Mei left the restaurant feeling ecstatic. She knew that they had made the right choice in selling the shiitake mushrooms to a restaurant instead of the market.

Zhang Wei was impressed and surprised by his wife's ability. He thought that he was lucky to have this wife.

Li Mei and Zhang Wei walked around the city, visiting different pharmacies and asking about the prices of various herbs. Li Mei was determined to find a way to make money by selling herbs.

As they were walking, they stumbled upon a small shop that was selling herbs and other natural remedies. The shopkeeper, an old man with a kind face, greeted them warmly and asked if he could help them with anything.

He had a natural fondness for Li Mei when he saw that the young lady was very interested in Chinese herbs. It was rare to find someone so willing to learn.

Li Mei explained their situation and asked if he could give her some advice on what herbs to collect and sell. The old man smiled and said, "Ah, you want to become a herbalist? That is a noble profession. Let me show you something."

The old man took out a small box from behind the counter and opened it to reveal a few small, brownish-yellow objects. "This is Cordyceps sinensis. It is a rare and expensive herb that grows in the mountains. It is said to have many medicinal properties, including improving lung function and increasing energy and stamina."

Li Mei, as a pharmacist, already knew about the herb's properties, but still pretended to be amazed by it. She then asked about how much it was worth. The old man chuckled and said, "It's not cheap, my dear. A pound of this herb can sell for as much as 50,000 yuan. It's a valuable commodity that is in high demand."

Li Mei's eyes widened in amazement. She knew that these mushrooms were expensive in modern times but they were still as expensive during the 1970s. She thanked the old man for his help and promised to keep his advice in mind.

As they continued to walk around the city, Li Mei made mental notes of the different herbs that were in demand and their prices. She was determined to find a way to collect and sell these herbs, even if it meant trekking up the mountains to find them.

They eventually made their way to the post office to check if the letter from Zhang Wei's commander had arrived.

Zhang Wei let out a sigh of relief as he read the letter from his commander. He was officially reinstated and was assigned as a village cadre for the village security. He was grateful for the opportunity to serve his community once again. He would get 60 yuan every month as his salary and he'll also get a few coupons.

With the security of his job, Zhang Wei could now focus on improving their living conditions and providing for his family. Li Mei was also very happy about this.

Li Mei also had Zhang Wei show her the way to the market to buy some much-needed household items and groceries. Li Mei made a list of the things they needed, which included white rice, meat, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, flour, cups, and bowls for each member of the family.

Li Mei also wanted to buy some powdered milk for the twins, as they had been malnourished for a while. She knew that they needed to provide them with proper nutrition to help them grow strong and healthy.

They carefully added up the prices of each item, making sure that they stayed within their budget. After checking and re-checking their calculations, they finally made their way to the market.

Li Mei and Zhang Wei went from stall to stall, carefully selecting the items on their list. They bargained with the vendors, trying to get the best deals possible. After a few hours of shopping, they had everything they needed.

As they were making their way back home, Li Mei tallied up the total amount that they had spent. It came up to 80 yuan, which was a significant amount of money for them.

But Li Mei knew that it was worth it. They had bought the things they needed to make their home more comfortable, and they had also invested in their children's health and well-being.

From Modern Struggles to Timeless Love: A Pharmacist's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now