Chloe/ mistakes happen

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《 Christi mistakes you for chloe》

Chloe was finishing her private rehearsal with abby for her solo. I was just waiting for her to finish. Christi says "Y/N, is Chloe's private done?" I say "not yet." She says "okay, how long left?" I say "probably 10 minutes as she has done learning her solo." I watch chloe dance as Abby yells at her. Christi was just getting her stuff. Once chloe was done the first thing she did was come to me. She says "You have been waiting for me, why?" I say "maybe because I want to go home?" Christi says draging me away "come on Chloe, it's time to go home. Is Y/N coming with us?" Chloe says "yeah." I look at Chloe she looked at me and mouthed "I don't know what to do so go along with it." Christi let go of me. She says "Sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to drag you here." I say "it's fine because I am coming with you." Chloe laughs. Chloe says "You thought that Y/N was me." Christi says "I was in a rush." We get into the car. Christi says "seat belts on? Do you guys want music or not?" I say "Mus-" before I was rudely interrupted by Chloe, she said "I have got my seat belt on and we should have some music." I say "I agree." Christi puts some music one and she began to drive home. Chloe singing very loudly you probly won't believe that she can almost drive. She dose not act her age sometimes. But its chloe what did you expect? I say "Chloe?" She says looking at me "yes, Y/N." I say "sometimes you don't act your age." She says "What do you mean?" I say "your older then me and yet you still act younger."  Christi says "we are here." She looks back to make sure that her parking was not bad. She says to me "did you not have your seat belt on the whole car ride?" I say "um-" chloe says "Mom, it's the new chloe." We got out the car and we went inside of the house.

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