Kalani / duets.

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At pyramid today Abby announced that there will be a duet. And It will be Y/N and  Kalani. I can't wait to find out some stuff about the new girl (kalani) hopefully she isn't cocky like Maddie. I mean I do like Maddie but she is just cocky. Abby says "Maddie, go get Kalani and Y/N." Maddie says "alright.." Kalani has been in the bathroom for awhile now. I walk to the bathroom door and I knock on it. I say "Kalani? We have a duet. And we need to rehearse. So could you come out?" I hear some crying coming from the other side of the door. I say "Kalani? Do you want me to get your mother? Can you open the door for me? We have our duet and we need to rehearse it." She says "Y/N. Don't get my mother." I say "Okay, I won't but you need to open the door as we have to rehearse our duet." She says "you can come in but nobody else can." She opens the door. She quickly pulls me in. She closes the door behind me. I say "Kalani, what is the matter?" She says "I don't fit in here. All of you know each other and I know no one here." I say whipping tears from her face "that is not true, Kalani. You trust me enough to tell me this." She hides her face in her hands. I hug her. She says "Thank you." I say "Your welcome. Also Abby is going to yell at her for wasting her time." She says whiping tears from her face "That is fine. I a pretty sure I can handle it." Kira knocks on the bathroom door. She says "Kalani? Are you okay?" I open the door. Kira says "oh, sorry Y/n I didn't know that you were in there." Kalani says "i am fine mom." Kira says "Okay. Just let me know if your not feeling that well." Kira walks off to were all the other moms where. We walk into the main studio to see Abby yelling at Melissa. Melissa walks out of the door. Abby says "finally. What took you guys so long?" I say "We thought you were still teaching Maddie." We start to stretch. Abby says "okay, lets start the duet. It will be a contemporary piece as both of you seem to be good at that style." Kalani looks at me alot during the rehearsal. We had four hours to learn it but it only took 1. Be begin to clean the routine. Abby says "Guys stop." I stoped mid turn. Kalani says "are we done?" Abby says "No, Kalani. Have you seen this girl before or even worked with her before?" She says "No, why? Have I done something wrong?" Abby says "You guys have good chemistry. Its brilliant. If this beats maddie's solo you guys will be doing more duets. If you don't I will still be giving you two duets as your chemistry is the best i have seen. You could almost feel it." Kalani says "Good job us, right?" I say "Good job us." We go back to doing our duet. Once we were done Maddie came up to and she says "Well done for having such good chemistry. But you guys will never beat me. Trust me Kalani your pretty but your the worst dancer I know." I say "shut up Maddie. Just because Abby likes Kalani more dose not mean that you can be salty." Maddie scoffed. Mackenzie says "Live love laugh Y/n." I say "kenzie." She says "I did nothing wrong." Kalani walks over to Chloe. I say "oo, mothers meeting were Chloe is."  Kenzie laughs. We walk over to Chloe. Chloe says "Just saying that if I got the treatment that Maddie did I would have been a better dancer then her." Mackenzie says "I agree." Brooke says "don't tell anyone. But I have a crush." Paige says "and you didn't tell me." Kendall says "Brooke, who is it? You can't just leave us with out knowing who it is." I elbow Kendall. I say "You don't have to tell us. You could just tell your family." Brooke says "I might do that." Kalani says "i got to go to that bathroom. I will be very quick." I say "Kalani, what's wrong?" She says "nothing I just need to change something.." I say "Something? I am a girl you can tell me." Kalani says "better if I don't." I say "What do you mean?" She says "Just leave me alone. Please?" I say "Alright. I am going to go get your mom." She says "don't-" I  cut her off by saying "too bad so sad." She says "fine I will tell you. Just don't go to get my mom." She runs into the bathroom after gaging. I knock on the door. I say "Kalani, are you okay? Are you sick?" She opens the door. I walk in. She locks it again. She says "I don't know what happened. I never ment to be sick." I look into the toilet to she blood. I say "were you sick blood?" She says "yeah, have no idea why." Somebody knocks on the door. Kalani says "go away." She flushes the toilet so nobody would see that she was sick blood. We hear the kock again. Kalani says "oh my fucking god. Just go the fuck away." Kira says "That is no way to speak to your mother, Kalani. Open the door." I whispered "if you don't tell her I will tell her." She opens the door. Kira comes in. Kira says "Kalani." Kalani says "mother." Kira says "Kalani, are you okay? You don't seem fine and your not act like you normally do." Kalani says "Kira, I was just sick and it was blood. There happy? I have nothing else to say." I smile at Kalani as she looked at the floor. Kira says "why didn't you tell me? And why did you call me Kira?Kalani, are you on your period?" The room was filled with silenance. It was very awkward being in that room. Kalani says "Just go away. I will talk to you when we get home." Kira says "Kalani, I need to know what happened and I want to know now." Kalani pushs Kira away and walks out the door. I say "I am so sorry for her." Kira says "it's nothing she is just being rude." I walk out the door and I go to find Kalani. She was sat next to Chloe. She looks up from her phone.

Dance moms (Imagine/preference)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon