piggy back pt:2 the start of an end

Start from the beginning

Dustin let out a sob, "im-" his voice broke, "I'm gonna look after them."

Eddie looked at you again, "you two."

You sniffled, "I'm gonna look after them."

"Good," Eddie said," because I'm actually going to graduate."

He chuckled weakly, "I think it's my year kids. I think it's finally my year."

Dustin nodded.

"I love you guys." Eddie said.

"I love you too." Dustin said his voice trembling.

"Me too, I love you too." You said.

Eddie started to lose breathing.

"Eddie?" Dustin said.

You took your hands away from his bleeding sides.

"Eddie!" Dustin yelled at his friend.

You let out a sob before Dustin wrapped his arms around you gently, sobbing into your shoulder as you sobbed into his.

Two days later

"Hey Nance." Karen wheeler walked out of her garage and to Steve's car to Nancy who was once leaning against the car but now walking to her mother.

"I found more of some of your old stuff in the attic."

Robin, Steve, Dustin, and you were folding clothes into Steve's car trunk.

Nancy gasped softly before picking up an old bunny stuffed animal out of the box, "Mr. Rabbit."

"It's OK if you want to save him you know." Karen told her daughter.

Nancy shook her head before putting it back in the box, "no, he'll be more loved in a new home."

She took the box from her mothers arms and added it to the trunk.

"Someone order a pizza?" Karen asked.

"Pizza?" You and Dustin said in usion.

You all turned around to see a giant yellow surfer boy pizza van honking a tune, and stopping before the driveway.

The doors opened to revel a man with long hair, and colorful mixed matched clothes, Johnathan, Mike, Will, and El with her shaved head.

Mike ran to his mother and hugged her.

Johnathan ran to Nancy.

El and will ran to you and Dustin.

You smiled for the first time in two days.

"Where's Lucas?" Will asked.

"He's at the hospital." You said, smile immediately fading.

"Was he hurt?" El asked.

You shook your head holding back tears thinking of one of your best friends in that body cast, unconscious.

"No, no he's fine." Dustin said, rubbing your back in comfort, before realized, "you don't know, do you?"


Robin, Steve, Dustin, and you carried boxes into what used to be your school, the gym turned into beds, missing posters, and a hospital.

You walked across the gym, Dustin limping beside you. He had sprained his ankle, he refused to use a crutch or you as a crutch to walk.

You still made him wear a brace and see the doctor.

You dropped the boxes on the table of relief donations.

"Hi," Robin said, "so these are blankets and sheets, clothes, kids toys, and food." She pointed to the boxes.

"Wow, " the lady said, "already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?"

"Um.." She looked at Steve before looking back, "I don't think that we need one, thank you though."

"Is there anything else we can do to help?" You asked.

She put you and Dustin on passing out water.

"H20?" Dustin asked before taking a paper cup from the tray you were holding and handing it to a patient.

He stopped when he saw Eddie's uncle change his nephews missing poster that was vandalized.

"Hey," you put a hand on Dustin's shoulder, "you go talk to him. He needs closure, I'll keep passing out waters."

"You need to talk to him as much as I do." Dustin said.

"Is there water anywhere?" A patient asked.

"Well that person needs me more than I need him," you said, "plus you need to sit down and get off that ankle for a minute."

Dustin sighed, "ok." He said before kissing your forehead and walking over to Mr. Munson.


Dustin lead you outside, to the over cast, pulling you by your hand.

The crowd murmered as the flakes floated down from the sky.

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me." You mumbled.

You looked at eachother, knowing this was the beginning of an end.

Ok. 4th season ✅️. Have you cried? Because I have. Now drink some water, if you cry to much you'll get dehydrated and puke. And eat something if you haven't yet. And you done with season 4 GO TO BED IF ITS 4AM.

-<3 your favorite fan fiction writer.

Word count: 1225

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