Chapter 18

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After Sanzu and Mikey finally came down after a few centuries, we all took a plate and dug in. I had to admit that the food was delicious, the best I’ve had in ages! The texture of the rice was delicious as well as full of flavour! It was egg fried rice and I quickly fell in love with the dish as I munched on the breakfast. After eating I got the dishes into the sink and made a cup of coffee before I went to put on a coat. I needed to check out that weird text message and go to the shop. “Hey Naja. Where are you going?”, asked Mikey as he looked up from his plate, his cheeks bulging like a hamsters. “I need to go buy some groceries. I’ll be back soon”. “Can I go with you?”. “No”. “What if Mitsuya goes instead?”. “Still no? Anyways, I won’t be gone for long so don’t make a mess okay?”. “Don’t worry Naja. We’ll make sure Mikey, Izana and Sanzu don’t create a mess”, Draken assured me as I nodded in his direction. “Bye then”. I got inside the car and turned on the heating before driving to the city centre. I hadn’t been there for a while and I needed to see a certain person there. After arriving at the shopping centre I went to the supermarket and started piling food onto my cart. I bought a lot of meet and fish as well as can food. I got veggies and fruit and headed to the checkout after getting a bunch of other stuff. The total sum wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but the cashier was a real bitch who looked like she came out of a laboratory. Complete with inch long lashes and fake nails as well as tits full of botox. After pulling the bags along I realised I needed to buy clothes for the guys since I can’t keep giving them my brothers. I went into the closest men’s store and bought anything I thought would fit since I don’t know what their sizes are. Heading to the car I believe I spent more money in a day than I had last year. Usually I live off of omelettes and cup noodles but for the past few days I’ve actually eaten human food. My next stop was to visit a friend since I needed help finding this so called ‘spire’. I drove to the more shady part of the city, something you wouldn’t expect of a cop like me but I’ve got a lot of people I know in every  part of this country. Arriving at a rundown house with broken windows and paint flaking off the building, I get out and knock on the door with the doorknocker. The sound resonated throughout the whole building as an eery silence followed. The door surprisingly opened after a few seconds as a familiar face came into view. “Hey Yushiro. I need help finding a place if you don’t mind”. “Alright come in. Don’t break anything”. Silence ensued as he led me down to a basement. The basement’s interior was the complete opposite from the exterior as the latest cutting edge technology was all over the place. The floor was covered in a forest green carpet as the walls were covered in mahogany panels. There was only a few lights attached to the walls but other than that the main source of light was all the screens. “You haven’t been visiting as much. I guess it’s due to the fact that Bonten is making a move?”. “Yeah. But I’m here because I got a message from someone telling me to meet them at ‘the spire’. But I don’t know where that is so I was wondering if you can find it”. “Sure. Take a seat”. I sat on the lonesome stool as Yushiro started to clack away on his keys. It was a peaceful silence as I’m pretty sure it took around 20 minutes. “Here. This is the only spire that could be what you’re looking for”. He showed me a picture of a run down tower complete with a news headline. It talked about a couple of kids who played inside the tower until a tragic accident happened. One of the children, a small girl fell accidentally out the window and almost died. She had brain trauma and lost most of her memories but miraculously survived the incident. The reason for her fall seemed to be unstable infrastructure and while she was leaning near the window some of the bricks gave out and fell down with her. The building was closed down but never rebuilt and to this day it’s off limits. I almost cried when I heard about the girl but that halted when my head started to split into a million pieces as pain consumed me. “UGH!”. “NAJA! Are you okay!?”, panicked Yushiro as he cradled my squirming form. After a few seconds I clutched my head while taking rapid breaths, Yushiro stroking the hair away from my face. “Are you okay?”. “Yeah… anyways thanks for the information. I’ll try to spend more time with you at some point but I can’t promise it”. “Shouldn’t you rest? Especially from whatever happened”. I sat up and patted him on the shoulder before fully standing up.  “I’m fine. I’ll make my own way out”.I headed back up the stairs and ignored the headache pounding at the back of my head. I need to find out who messaged me and what do they want. But first…

“What the hell happened here?”, I asked nobody in particular as I looked around the house aghast. The whole place was practically shining as there wasn’t a speck of dirt anywhere. “Oh you’re back Naja”. I spun around to see Mitsuya as I awkwardly stood there while he just kept smiling. “Yeah. I bought the groceries as well as some clothes. I just need to go to a place real quick before I’m permanently returning”. “Why where do you need to go?”, he raised an eyebrow while coming closer as I blushed lightly. “Business”. “What kind of business? Maybe we can help you”, he whispered seductively into my ear as my face heated up. I swear I looked like a tomato at this point but I managed to squeak something unintelligible out. “I’m fine”. Yeah. That’s all I managed before I rushed to the kitchen, stored the groceries, left the clothes on the counter and rushed back to the car. I bumped into Draken on the way but hurried away when he raised a brow at my embarrassed form. I calmed down inside the car and took a deep breath before setting up the navigation to the tower. It was quite a bit from here around 40 minutes but I decided to go since I couldn’t contain my curiosity. Who is this mysterious person who texted me?

Around an hour later I was finally there. The navigation lied. It wasn’t 40 minutes. I gazed up at the monstrous structure. Ivy covered the cracked bricks as the building looked over me. I cautiously entered the place and saw a set of steps leading up to the top. Some of them were wobbly and a few were completely gone so I had to leap to the next set and hope I wouldn’t die. I eventually made it up to the top and looked around the place. It was quite spacious compared to downstairs and walked around the place until a hand covered my mouth. I panicked and struggled around before a second hand clamped around my stomach and wrestled me to the ground. A knee forced its way into my back as an arm held mine above my head. “It’s been a long time my love…”. The familiar voice grated in my ears as I couldn’t believe who it was. “I was turned over when my arms became lax and saw the person clearly. “Why… why are you here… Muzan?”.


“Hey Mitsuya. I just saw Naja running by with her face on fire. Do you know what happened?”. “Hm? No idea. She came inside fluke that”, I stated flippantly as I walked past him inside the kitchen. The fridge and cupboard was packed with food as I started getting ideas about dinner. On the counter lay a few bags and when I took a look I saw it was the clothes Naja had mentioned. Taking them out I held a hint of distaste but accepted them ad they were a gift from my beloved. I could’ve made something much better than these scraps. Which reminded me of the outfits Naja always wears. Always so plain and cheap… I need to make sure my beloved’s beauty is beyond compare, even though she already looks like a Queen. I vow that I she will never have to do a single thing again except let me bask in her presence.

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