Chapter 2: A New Mission (Part 2)

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Kam woke with a groan, blinking a couple of times before sitting up straight. She looked to her left and saw an unconscious Mk on the ground. High-pitched chittering caught her attention as she looked behind her. There was a small monkey, obviously a runt, with fluffy pink fur. Kam smiled at it and put her finger over her mouth. The monkey nodded and climbed onto Kam. The monkey went straight to her head and started grooming her, making some unhappy chirps at how mat her hair looked. Kam giggled and pat the monkey's head as they worked.

A groan snapped her attention back to Mk as he started to wake. "Wha-?" He said as he set up. "Welcome to Flower Fruit Mountain Mk!" Mk looked behind him and saw the beautiful and luscious mountain. "Wow... It's breathtaking." He gasped in awe. "Yeah..." Kam said with a sigh, "Come on. We need to go to Monkey King." "But I don't have the staff and-" Mk paused as he looked around, "You're sword! Where's your sword?!" He asked glancing at the empty scabbard. "It's gone Mk. Iron Fan probably destroyed it after she threw me..." She said looking down. "Oh Kam, I'm so sorry." Mk said as he pulled her into a hug. "I know that sword meant a lot to you..." Kam sighed and pat Mk on the back. "Let's just go, alright." She moved out of the hug and started to walk into the forest. Mk jogged to keep up, looking around at the scenery. "If this wasn't such a dire situation, I would stop and look at everything..." His gaze fell on Kam, finally noticing the monkey on her head. "Uhhh... Kam. There's-" "A monkey on my head. I'm aware." She said with a laugh. Mk laughed along with her. Even in dire situations, he couldn't help but be happy around his sister figure. Mk smiled to himself, thinking about their bond.

"Settle down now kids." A kind voice rang through the daycare. A younger Mk glanced at the woman, smiled, and ran up to her. "Woah Mk! Calm down you little monkey." The woman smiled as she picked up Mk and placed him on her back. "Now, What story would you all like to hear today?" She asked the other children. "King and the Warrior! King and the Warrior, Ms.Kam!!" the children yelled. Kam gave a playful smile and put her hands on her hip. "Again! I've told you guys that story a thousand times!" "Please Kam-Kam!!" Mk asked from over her shoulder giving her puppy dog eyes. "Well, I can't say no to so many cute faces!" She said with a laugh. The children cheered and made their way to the story corner. Kam smiled and made her way as well, sitting down in a rocking chair she placed Mk on her lap.

"Alright children gather round, for this story is one of love, compassion, and friendship." The children moved closer to Kam and smiled. They truly did love this story. "One day, a long time ago. Longer than I've been around." The children laughed at that, remembering the story their caretaker told them about their immortality. "There was a stone egg that hatched into a stone monkey. This monkey was different. He was Strong! Powerful! And handsome. But most importantly, he was kind to the other monkeys. While hanging out with a group of monkeys, he discovered something strange. He saw a beautiful monkey sitting alone. His fur was as white as snow and as fluffy as a cloud. But most notably, this monkey had six colorful ears!" She said as she put her hands behind her ears, making the children laugh. "The stone monkey was fascinated by this strange monkey, and slowly they became friends. One day the two of them were traveling with a group of monkeys up their favorite river. When they reached the base of a mountain, they discovered this river led to a waterfall. 'If only one of us was brave enough to go through. He'd be the monkey king!' the monkeys shouted. The stone monkey was never one to deny a challenge and jumped right in! Inside he found a lavish stone palace filled with all the necessities of life. The other monkeys were impressed and crowed the stone monkey the Monkey King! But the monkey with six ears was-"

"Earth to Mk!" Kam said, snapping in front of Mk's face.

"We're here..."

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