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"I'M WHAT!?" Wukong yelled over the laughs of his other sworn brothers. Yellow Tusk rubbed the back of his neck, uncomfortable with this entire situation. "You're pregnant..." 

"I...What...How?" Wukong asked, looking at his hands. Tusk sighed and crossed his arms, "I'm not sure. All I know is that you're pregnant with a fully grown woman with battle armor in your head." Wukong groaned, placing his palms on his forehead. "And I thought I just had a bad headache..." He paused for a moment thinking over his brother's words.

"WAIT SHE'S IN MY HEAD!?" He yelled in shock. "HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!" Demon Bull King moved towards the immortal sage and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't stress too much Wukong. It could hurt her!" He said before laughing some more. Wukong pushed his brother off and stood up. "All jokes aside. How the hell are we going to get her out?"

"I have an idea!" Before anyone could protest, Macaque pulled out his staff and whacked Wukong on the head. Upon impact, a rush of wind blew past them as something launched itself into the air and landed.

A brown-furred monkey stood in front of them. She looked young and was on the short side, but she was an adult no doubt. Her golden eyes stood out amongst her white facial markings, hair lying loose on her head going down to the middle of her back. Her armor while gray, gave off almost a rainbow-like shine. Like it was made up of bismuth.

They all stared in shock at her and she stared back at them. "Hello." She said giving a small wave. No one responded, they all just stared in shock. She glanced around, sweat dripping down the side of her face. "So, I'm Kit. Don't worry about introducing yourselves to me. I know who you all are." Only blinks were given as a response. They were all so confused. Wukong was the first to get over the shock, walking over to Kit. "Hi," he said staring at the brown monkey. She smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "Hello, Father." Wukong's eyes widened. He stared at her, a small smile forming on his lips. Then he started to giggle. The giggle turned into a chuckle, and the chuckle turned into a laugh. Soon enough, Wukong tackled Kit to the ground. "I have a kid!" He yelled through his laughs. "I Have A Kid!!"


"You're doing great kid!" Wukong yelled from atop his cloud. Ever since Kit was "born" the two of them had started training, although Wukong did have help from his brothers on occasion. "You need to feel the wind!" Peng yelled from above Wukong. He was flying circles around the two, prepared to help in case Kit fell. "This is strangely hard to do." Kit said as she finally reached the height her father was at. Peng and Wukong laughed a bit at her position. She was on all fours, frantically looking around the cloud as if it were about to disappear any second. "Come on Kit. This is the last of your powers that you need to master." 

"I know, I know." She said with a whine. Slowly she sat up properly in the cloud. A smile formed on her face, but her victory was short-lived as the cloud suddenly disappeared. Leaving her free-falling.


"So let me get this straight," Azure said to Wukong and Peng. "For training to master a power she struggles with," He gestures over to Kit, who was being bandaged by Yellow Tusk, "You decide to take her thousands of meters into the air and just hope she doesn't fall!" Wukong rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "To be fair. She does have my durability."

"Yeah but she's not immortal!" Macaque yelled. Wukong thought for a moment before going pale. She was going to die someday. He would have to bury his daughter one day. Suddenly he bolted off towards his home on the mountain. "What's up with him?"


"Kit. Kit! Kit wake up!" Wukong whisper yelled to his sleeping daughter. She groaned sitting up. "Father? What is it?" Rubbing her eyes she saw what her father held in front of her. "Is that?" Wukong nodded, "A peach of immortality." He grabbed her hands placing the peach in them. "I don't want to lose you someday. This way, we'll be immortal together." Kit looked at the peach in her hand, before slowly taking a bite from it. "Why did you do this so early in the morning?" She asked while chewing. "Didn't want the others to know a had a tree of these things."


"Kit really has grown." Macaque said to Wukong as they watched her spar with Peng. It had been a few years since was "born". She had mastered all her powers shockingly fast and was now officially one of Wukong's generals. "Will she fight with us against the Jade Emperor?" Before Wukong could speak Azure cut in. "Of course, she will fight with us," He looked over at Kit, who had pinned Peng down and grabbed his wings. "It would be a waste not to."


The battle was brutal. Dead celestial soldiers lay everywhere they looked. Kit wanted to help more but was told by her father and King to stay hidden. Suddenly a projection of her father appeared in front of her. "My King-" "General listen to me." He said in a serious tone. "I need you to promise me something." Kit looked up at him and nodded. "Promise me you will stay hidden." The King said to his youngest general. She looked at him sadness in her eyes. "How will I know to return to your side, my king?" He looked at her and smiled, "When and only when I call your title will you return to my side." The general nodded and gripped the king's hands. "As you wish, my king."

"As you wish."

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