Chapter 30 - Reunited and it feels so good

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The day has finally arrived. Today is the day that Arthur gets out of prison, and the Peaky Blinders take Darby Sabini down for good. It's been the longest 2 months of Cass's life. She has been up with her brothers since the crack of dawn making sure they're all prepared for anything that might be thrown their way.

"Cass, get in the car. We're going to see Alfie first." Tommy whispers to his sister. Cass tries her best to stay calm, but the smile on her face could give her excitement away to a blind man. "Just sit in the back with John and stay quiet, alright?" Tommy then says, prompting her to fix her face and hold a similarly stoic expression to her brother.


"Are you two sure you're going to be alright? I mean, he did get Arthur arrested and dump Cassie." John says as he helps Cassie out of the car. Luckily, she's been able to hide her pregnancy so far. She wants her and Alfie to tell the rest of the family together. "Yes, brother, we'll be fine. Now go and get Arthur." Tommy says before walking away with Cass in tow.

"Morning Ollie." Tommy greets as he is patted down. "Don't you dare." Cass warns as Ollie proceeds to reach for her. "Ah, it's the Shelbys! Come on in!" Alfie yells from across the room, making Cass's heart skip a beat. "Welcome. Why don't you come up to my office?" He says as he finally reaches them before immediately turning away from them and walking back through the bakery.

"So, how's business been?" Tommy asks plainly after sitting opposite Alfie. "Alright, yeah. Been taking money from all sides, so I can't complain." Alfie replies with a smirk as he sends a wink Cass's way. She can't help but giggle. "Good to hear." Tommy then says. The telephone then starts to ring, cutting off anything else he was going to say.

"That'll probably be for you, won't it?" Alfie says, prompting Tommy to stand and take the phone off the stand. "Hello?" Tommy says. "Arthur. You're out." He then says with a smile before hanging up the phone. "Well, he didn't say much." Cass jokes as her brother returns to his seat. "He didn't need to." Tommy replies, still smiling slightly.

"Right then. If that's all, I'd like to get reunited with the mother of my child. I'll probably see you at the docks during the week, mate." Alfie then says, rising to his feet. "Alright. Cass, I'll see you soon." Tommy says before leaning over and kissing his sister on the cheek before standing and walking out of Alfie's office.

"Alone at last." Alfie then says after closing all of the blinds in the room and stepping towards her with a smirk. "I've missed you." Cass says with a sigh before standing and throwing her arms around his neck. "Fuckin' hope you have, darling." Alfie retorts before leaning down to kiss her. 2 months away from her had definitely been worth it. Both of them had been dreaming of this moment for what felt like forever.


"You're showing." Alfie says excitedly as he admires Cass's body. "Do you really think so?" She says, matching his excitement as she jumps off the bed and faces the side. Alfie's eyes rake over her bare body, licking his lips. His eyes focus onto the small bump that has grown at the bottom of her torso. For a lot of women, the bump would have been bigger by now, but because of Cass's small frame it's not that big. Cass stares at him, matching his smile. "You look fucking beautiful." He whispers, sitting up and shuffling to the edge of the bed.

He places his hands on her hips and twists her to face him, her baby bump now directly opposite his face. Cass giggles as he places many kisses on her lower stomach, his beard tickling her every time. "What did you think of the name?" He asks softly, looking up at her with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "I love it. James Alfred Thomas Solomons is going to be a superhero." Cass says with a grin. "Fucking what? How long does his name have to be?" Alfie says with a shocked laugh. "Is it too much?" Cass asks with a cringe. "We can change it if you want. After all, he is your son. It was just an idea." She then starts to ramble.

"Cass, stop. I love it, even if he is named after your bloody brother." Alfie says, standing and taking her face in his hands. She laughs at his comment, almost out of relief. "I love you." She then says sweetly. "I love you, too." He replies before kissing her deeply. "Right, we need food." Cass says after pulling away and rubbing her stomach. "I'll get right on it." Alfie says, hovering his hand over her bump one more time before leaving her to get dressed.

AN~ Hey guys! I'm so sorry that it took me soooo long to update this story. My laptop broke for a while and then there was a problem with the document that this is written on, but all is good now... I hope. I also hope that you guys can forgive me now that our favourite couple are back together. Things can only go good from here, right? I guess you'll just have to keep reading and find out...

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