Lamplight ( stars part 2 )

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The mysterious girl climbed through, before holding her hand out to the brunette.

But Wanda hesitated.

" Come on, I wont hurt you, I promise."

Wanda could see the sincerity in her eyes.

The Sokovian reached out her hand, allowing the Russian to pull her through.

The girls collapsed on the pavement, panting.

The ordeal of being pulled in through a window and doing that pulling turned out to be quite the workout

After a few minutes of laying there the Russian got up, walking out of Wanda's sight.

After a few seconds she felt something warm wrap around her.

She huddled into the soft blanket and smiled softly.

That smile made Natasha's heart leap.

" Thanks."

The brunette said, her Sokovian accent thick.

Natasha grabbed her own fuzzy blanket and settled down on the ground across from Wanda.

There was a long silence, both debating what should and should'nt be said.

" What's your name?"

The Sokovian asked out of the blue.

The girl's voice made Natasha's head spin.

" Uh, N-Natasha." The Russian stuttered out forgetting how to speak when those etheirial eyes were staring into hers.

" That's a nice name." She responded, now averting her gaze.

" My name's Wanda." The brunette attempted a smile, but it died on her lips.

" Wanda. That's a beautifull name." Natasha smiled an empathetic smile.

Natasha wanted to say it was a trick of the light, but for a moment she could have sworn she saw a light pink dust the Sokovian's face.

" I'm about to ask you something that you don't have to awnser. And you never have to awnser it, and it won't change anything if you don't, but it would be helpful for me to know." Natasha's voice was soft and caring, her eyes filled with sincerity and empathy, to the point where Wanda almost started crying again.

" My uncle." The brunette suddenly looked so weak, and the sight broke Natasha's heart.

" When I was seven my father was out of town, my mother had died a while before, so they left me at my uncle's place."

" When my father dropped me off everything was fine."

"It was about an hour after he left that things started to get weird."

" I was watching some tv when he called me into his bedroom."

" He told me he wanted to play a game."

Wanda's eyes were watering as she relived the memory.

" First he told me to take off my shoes."

" Then my socks."

" Then my shirt."

" Then my pants."

" And then my underwear."

Tears streamed down her face.

" All the while he was doing the same."

" And then he asked me if I liked lolipops."

" And then he- h- he told me to get d-down on my knees and-"

A violent sob cut her off as she doubled over.

" He told me to to suck his thing."

" It didn't take too long before I was trying to gag up the white liquid that slipped down my throat."

" He put his hand over my mouth and told me to swallow."

" After forcing it all down, I remember gagging, throwing up on the carpet."

" And he held my hair back."

" And he told me he loved me."

Rage and disgust writhed deep within Natasha at the recounting of this event.

" And everytime without fail, whenever my dad was out of town, I would end up with him forcing himself inside me."

" If I was lucky it was the throat, but he really didn't care what hole he filled."

"About 6 years later my dad died."

" He got custody."

" For the first few weeks it was ok, mostly because he was too drunk to do anything other than throw up."

" But then one day I woke to him naked in my room, standing over me. He told me I was going to skip school that day."

" And he fucked me."

" Over and over and over."

" And everyday since, I would come home to him tearing off my clothes."

" Everytime I tried to resist, he'd beat me."

" Sometimes he'd even choke me out, and then he'd use me anyway."

" He uh, found an old whip last week, so he's uh he's been really into that lately."

" And I've been getting tired of the looks I get when buying all this birth control when I'm uh, well, clearly underage."

" So I ran."

" Cause I'd rather starve out here than gagg up semen till I pass out."

Natasha was stunned.

All the rage and disgust and sadness like stiches over her brain, turning her words to mush.

So Natasha did the only thing she could have thought of.

She crawled towards the Sokovian, and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her as close as possible.

The two girls sat like that for what must have been hours.

The stars glimmering up on high as words were unspoken, but heard nonetheless.

Authors Note:

Should i continue this?

Im not sure.

Let me know if you do.

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