"i wrote them for you." - Chloé Lukasiak

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College had been tough for you recently. You hadn't been enjoying the course as much as you had expected and the schedule was tiring. You were spending most of your time working on writing homework which had put a serious strain on your relationship with your boyfriend Luke. The two of you had been dating for a while and things were going well, but he was growing increasingly frustrated with you for not spending any time with him anymore.

Since Spring break, they had changed a few of the classes around so that everyone on the course was able to get to know everyone and work with different people whenever there was a project. There were a few people you recognised from your old class but none of your friends were there unfortunately so you seated yourself near the back by the door beside a blonde girl. She turned to look at you as you placed your bag next to your chair. It was then that you saw her face.

She was pretty, really pretty in fact and she was smiling at you brightly, her eyes locking on yours. "Hey, I'm Chloé." She said softly, her cheeks were a little red. "Y/N." You replied. Chloé turned her attention back to the front of the room as the lecture began, occasionally turning her head to look at you again. From that day on, you would always sit beside her for all your lectures, often only acknowledging each other with a smile. Chloé would always be writing something down in her notebook, you never asked what it was since you didn't really know her that well so it was none of your business. But that didn't stop you from being curious.

A few months after you first started sitting with her, you were waiting for your tutor to arrive for the lecture. You were messaging Luke about hopefully being able to come over tonight since you had caught up on all your assignments. Chloé was already sat in the seat next to yours, writing in her notebook again. "Hey Y/N?" She asked questioningly. "Yeah." You replied. Chloé looked unsure as to whether she wanted to say whatever it was she had planned on saying. "Do you by any chance have a boyfriend or anything, if you don't mind me asking?" She spoke nervously.

You smiled at her. "Yeah I have a boyfriend, I was just messaging him now. I'm hopefully going to his place tonight, we haven't had much time together because of my schedule so..." You trailed off noticing she looked a little disheartened. "Do you have a boyfriend?" You asked her. She shook her head. "No, I don't." She replied, sounding tearful and looking downwards. Chloé was quite for the rest of the lecture, she wasn't even writing in her notebook and when she left, she gathered her things as quickly as she could, accidentally taking one of the poetry books rather than her notebook.

You picked it up and went to see if she was still in the hallway but she had gone. You just put it in your bag and planned on giving it her back tomorrow and headed to your car. Unfortunately, you had to cancel on your boyfriend due to you forgetting that you had to run some errands for your mom, he was mad, messaging you that he wanted to end things. You desperately told him you should talk in person so you could explain but he wasn't having any of it. You went home feeling terrible, tossing your bag down angrily at how you had messed everything up by being so busy.

It toppled over, some of your books spilling out, the small pink notebook that belonged to the girl you sat by catching your eye. You had always been curious as to what it was that she was writing in there but never asked her. You knelt down and picked it up. You felt bad for invading her privacy but you just couldn't help yourself. Flicking open to the first page, you began to read. It's contents was relatively normal at first, she had written some beautiful poems about nature and mental health. She was an incredibly talented writer.

But as you got a little further in, the poems all seemed to have the same theme: Beautiful declarations of love. Although there was no name, Chloé appeared to be writing about a girl and whoever she was, she was lucky. You would have given anything for someone to feel that way about you. The way she talked about her in the poems seemed as though Chloé was very fond of whoever this girl was. After reading a few more, you decided that you should stop since this was very private to the blonde girl and you'd give it back to her tomorrow.

The next day, you parked your car on the college parking lot and began heading towards the building when someone approached you. "Y/N." You heard Chloé call out. You turned to see her looking a little flustered. "You didn't happen to pick up my notebook yesterday after class did you?" She asked. You smiled and took it out of your bag, handing it over to her. She sighed in relief. "Thank you, I thought I'd lost it." She said before her expression changed to worry again. "You didn't... you didn't look inside did you?" She asked nervously.

You nodded guiltily. "I'm sorry, I was just curious." You explained. Chloé turned red and clutched the notebook close to her chest. "You're an amazing writer, like your really talented. And whoever you wrote those poems for, they're super lucky." You told her before turning to walk away, hoping you hadn't upset her too much. You had only taken a few steps away from the blonde girl before you heard her call out to you again, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"I wrote them for you." She said, causing you to stop and turn back around. "The poems." She paused before speaking up again. "I wrote them for you Y/N." You walked back towards her, your mouth falling open in shock. You had no idea what to say. "I didn't know you felt that way about me." You said in shock. Chloé nodded. "I'm sorry, I know you have a boyfriend, I'll just..." She said sadly, going to leave. "Wait." You cried, grabbing her hand to stop her. Chloé blushed at the contact, as did you. "You don't have to leave." You told her. "I liked the poems, nobody has ever said that about me before." You added, not letting go of her hand.

Her face seemed to light up. "My boyfriend and I broke up, things weren't going so great." You explained. She nodded in understanding. "I'd like it if we could get to know each other a little." You said. Chloé smiled widely at your confession. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yeah, you're really sweet and pretty." You replied, your heart was racing as you waited for her response. "Well, maybe we could start by walking to class together?" She asked. You nodded as the two of you headed to the building together, sensing that this could be the beginning of something special.

A/N: hey everyone, sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've had quite a lot going on in my life but your support means a lot to me and i hope you have all enjoyed reading this so far <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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