chapter 4 - some time later

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Harry is now 8 years old.

Harry wonders around the castle looking for Salazar, he had an essay to give him about the effects of not taking the cauldron off the fire before adding the porcupine quills. He only had one more place to check.. Sal's private potions lab. No one was allowed in there apart from Harry. He knocked slightly on the door before walking in.

 ^ ah shit I dropped it^ 

Harry stood there with his mouth wide open ^Sal! Helga said you aren't allowed to curse, especially in front of me. ^

 Now it was Salazar's turn to be shocked, Harry just understood and spoke parseltongue. He decided to test Harry's abilities. 

^I'm very sorry Harry I didn't realise you were there, anyways can you read this piece of parchment? I need it to be read to me while I make the potion. ^


 Harry sits down slightly away from Sal and starts reading it out loud as he makes the potion. "Harry, you just read parseltongue." 

Harry takes a minute to process what Sal just said "but I thought only your direct descendants could understand it? I'm not directly related to you."

Salazar nodded not quite understanding where Harry could have got the gift. "Maybe it has something to do with what happened when you were a baby. It would make sense, you did technically defeat my descendant." Harry gladly accepts that explanation and continues to help Sal until dinner. Sal picks him up with a small smile and carries him to the great hall to eat with the others and the rest of the school.

*time skip to a year later*

Harry is now 9 years old.

*Harry's pov*

I did it. I finally finished my own potion. I run to the potions classroom and carefully open the door as to not disturb the class that's in there.

"Sal I finished it. Can we test it now pleaseeeee?" I'm too excited to wait but I know he won't let me with his class in here. But it's worth a try.

"Harry you know the rules, wait until this class is over then we can test it okay?" I huff but agree to wait.

I swirl the potion in the bottle until the hour ends and jump up ready to make Sal test it.

"Here drink it, well prank Ric with it." Salazar was not convinced to try it so harry quietly downed it while his back was turned.

Harry swallowed his giggles at the panic on Sal's face, he may not have told him what he potion does.

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