Chapter One

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1950 (You guys are 10 years old here)

(3rd person POV)

Y/N kept her head low as she walked through the crowded hallway of their beloved elementary school. Not wanting the attention is an understatement. Y/N wasn't exactly the most popular person around in school. She just kept her eyes on the ground and tried to blend in with the crowd. But her efforts were to no avail.

"HEY L/N!" A high pitched chipmunk like voice yelled from behind Y/N. She cringed and tried to carry on walking but the footsteps behind her were getting closer. Soon, she was slammed against the wall causing her books to fall onto the floor.

"Didn't your parents tell you that it's rude to walk away from someone when their talking to you?" The girl with the high pitched voice said. 

"What do you want Lily?" Y/N sighed, already sick of all this. 

Lily smirked at her. "I'm in a terrible mood today."

"So I can tell." Y/N mumbled.

"What was that you little brat?!" Lily pulled Y/N's hair harshly causing her to wince in pain. 

"Ah, look at this little weakling. She's just a nerd! She's not even pretty! She thinks she's so high and mighty that she can just walk away from me!" Lily laughed loudly before slapping Y/N hard across the cheek causing her to fall to the ground. Just before she could throw another blow, a hand stopped her.

"What are you doing Smith?" Benny said with a menacing look in his eyes.

"None of your business Watts! Why don't you run along and go back to your chess set." Lily spat at the blonde boy.

"Y/N's business is my business!" He said picking up her books and helping her up in the process. "Let's go Y/N/N." The duo walked away quietly.

"Gosh, she really sounds like a squealing pig! She thinks she can just boss me around just because she's the principle's daughter!" Y/N said once they were far away enough. 

"Tell me about it." Benny rolled his eyes.

"I had it sorted you know." Y/N said taking her books from him.

"Sure you did." Benny chuckled. Y/N looked at him.

"Don't you have chess practice or something?" 

"Am I not allowed to spend time with my best friend before class?" Benny grinned.

"Whatever." Y/N groaned as she walked away from him.

"OUR USUAL STUDY SESSIONS AT YOUR PLACE?" Benny yelled to her as she walked away.



"Gosh Benny it's so simple! How can you not understand it?!" Y/n was frustrated to say the least.

"It's not my fault the stupid school gives us questions that aren't meant for us ten year olds!" Benny exclaimed.

"How am I even friends with you?" Y/N groaned while rubbing her temples.

"I'm not just your friend Y/N/N, I'm you BEST friend." Benny said emphasizing the "best" word. Y/N smiled sarcastically before smacking the back of his head.

"OW!" Benny hissed in pain.

"Then let me rephrase that. How am I even BEST friends with you?" Y/N mocked him.

"Coz' your the brains and I'm the looks!" Benny said with a smug look on his face. Y/N hit the back of his head again. 

"STOP IT!" Benny cried.

Y/N shook her head. "Dream on, Watts."

"How was your piano lesson anyway?" Benny asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Dreadfully boring. As usual." Y/N said dryly.

"I'm home!" A voice called from downstairs. Y/N immediately rushed to her feet.

"DAD!" she cried as she ran into his arms hugging him tightly.

Mr. L/N chuckled lightly. "Hello Y/N/N." He looked up and saw Benny on the kitchen counter staring at them. "Hello to you too Benny."

"Hello Mr. L/N" Benny said politely. "Well I should head home. Mom and dad will be waiting for me. Best not to keep them waiting."

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Y/N asked. 

"No need Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow in school." Benny grabbed his coat, said his goodbyes and left.


Dinner was more silent then usual. Normally, Mrs. L/N would ask about her husbands day and he'd tell them a funny story or two about what happened in the office. But tonight, both remained oddly silent. No one said a word for a long time. Until finally, Mrs. L/N cleared her throat. 

"Ahem Y/N/N, we have something we'd wish to talk to you about." She said while looking at her daughter. Y/N nodded for her to go on.

"You see, your father got his promotion at work-"

"Really that's great!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Y/N/N, let me finish please. I was saying your father got a promotion, in the UK." Mrs. L/N finished. Y/N dropped her fork.

"In the UK?" Y/N managed to breathe out. She looked to her father. 

"Dad is this true?" she asked, hoping that it wasn't.

"It is Y/N/N." Mr. L/N said not looking at his daughter's eyes.

Y/N sunk down in her seat. "Does that mean we'll rarely get to see you again?" She asked somberly.

"No it's not like that." Mr. L/n said. "We're moving to the UK."

This time Y/N dropped her knife. "We're m-moving?" She stuttered. 

"Yes." Her parents said in unison. 

"When was this decision made?" Y/N asked softly.

"We'd just finalized it today." Mrs. L/N answered. "We're moving in two months time."

"I see." Y/N whispered, not knowing what to say. "Sorry mom, but I've seem to have lost my appetite. Can I go to my room first?" 

"Of course Y/N/N." Her mother said in a soothing voice. Y/n nodded and walked away. She made her way up the stairs, quietly closed the door, and buried her face in her hands as she silently cried.

Things were changing so fast, and young Y/N didn't know how to handle her emotions. All she could do is cry.

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