How the Tables Have Tabled #7

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I hear the gunshot...but I didn't feel anything, When I divorced my eyelids from each other, I realised it was not me who was shot...But the Queen!


Henry looked at me, with his luscious eyes, he spoke to me with his hot manly vacuum cleaner voice...

-I'm sorry I tricked you, Spunk...!!! let's just go back to living together, this time... let's not live a lie, we can love each other for real now!

-I love you Sponk!

My jaw fell to the floor after that announcement, Henry just told me...he Loved me!!??!?

I had to think... do I want to forgive Henry, or divorce him for good...

After some careful thought, I had finalised my decision.  There would not be a happy life where I'd live with a husband that actually loves me...!

-I'm sorry Henry...But my heart is with Door-Chan

I announced before I kissed Door-Chan, Henry-Kun left the room crying and since that day I never heard of him or Riley again... but who cares lol!!! not only am I now married to Door-Chan but we don't have 1... not 2... not 3... not EIGHT... but 9 CHILDREN!!!! Ever Since Queen Elizabeth II's Death, I've been nominated the slay queen of the U.K. so LOLLLL LLLL TAKE THE L BOZO LLLLL <33

Henry the Vacuum x Sponkar: The SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora