Work In Progress

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Some art featuring my OC, Sanchihro (pronounced San-chi-ro, somewhat.) And.. Roblox. Sanchihro's a Bacon Hair, but he puts his hair up sometimes. I think I realized too late he looked like an Acorn Hair, but hey, it still works. Basically, he's a hacker/exploiter (I don't actually think he's one, he's just an OC of course) and likes messing around with Roblox. Usually people like portraying Bacons as kind and somewhat clumsy, but I imagine them as hella cocky considering half the Bacons I meet are extremely funny and roast Slenders.
PS, I apologize for the Fortnite emote and the Among Us shoes. It was either that or the black air forces, and I think he'd probably wear both.

(I'll fix the shoes later, I don't know why they turned out as bad as they did.)


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