the wedding

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Finney's POV:

It was finally here. 

After months and months of suffering through bridezilla Robin, the wedding was finally here. I've been dreaming about this day since the second grade but now that it's here I'm panicking. Not about marrying Robin, I couldn't be more excited about that. 

But what if Robin is regretting proposing? Or he doesn't want to go through with the wedding? Or what if I screw up my vows? 

I knew they were all ridiculous thoughts but I couldn't stop them. My anxiety is through the roof and the wedding hasn't even started yet. It was all I could think about when Gwen burst into the room. 

"I can't believe it. It's finally here. I'm gonna be the best, best man ever. Even if I'm not a man. It's time to go get ready to walk down-wait what's wrong?" Gwen panted. 

I stared at my reflection in the mirror while I finished putting my tie on. "Nothing." I lied.

"C'mon Finney, what's wrong? You aren't having regrets are you?" Gwen asked shocked.

"Of course not! I'm-i'm just nervous." I stuttered.

"Finney, theres nothing to be nervous about. You're gonna have the most perfect wedding ever and then the perfect honeymoon and then you're gonna be one of those boring old married couples. It'll all be perfect." She said while spinning my chair that was previously facing the mirror around to face her.

"What if he's having regrets?" I asked quietly. 

"Finney. Are you kidding me? Robin's been head over heels for you since....literally forever. This is the best day of the guy's life." Gwen said confidently. "It'll all be perfect. I promise you. Are you ready now?" 

"Yeah. Yeah I am." I paused for a second looking at her. "You look stunning Gwen." And she really did. Her dress was a beautiful blue colour that matched her eyes so well, and her makeup was perfect. When she heard this, her smile engulfed her face as she suffocated me in a hug. 

"I love you so much." She said fondly. 

"I love you too." I responded.

"Now lets go." She said as she guided me towards the entrance of the venue. 

"Okay so when the doors open I'm gonna walk you down the aisle, okay? Relax Finney. Just breathe." she explained.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding when the doors were thrown open. 

I looked around at the venue to see white chairs on both sides of the aisle, filled by our smiling friends and family. The normally white aisle was covered in colourful flower petals thrown by our flower girl walking in front of me (aka Robin's little sister Isabel.) 

I turned my head straight to look down the aisle, and my breath was knocked out of me.

As I met eyes with Robin, all the anxiety I was feeling before instantly melted away.

Robin's POV: 

I couldn't be more excited. I've been dreaming about this day since the second grade and it's everything I could've possibly imagined. Everything is perfect. I'm marrying the perfect person, it's the perfect venue and all of our perfect friends and family are here. 

Months ago when we announced the wedding, all of our friends had fought over who got to be my best man. They decided to settle it to whoever won a game of Mario Cart. Which was a mistake for them because Bruce is the best Mario Cart player I've ever seen. 

My thoughts all stopped as the doors swung open, revealing my soon to be husband and sister in law. My eyes met Finn's and I think my heart stopped. He looked better than words could ever describe. 

The music started playing and Gwen began walking Finney down the aisle. They were both smiling bright enough to make everyone in the audience smile back at them, and for me to let a happy tear roll.  

I kept watching Finney as he walked up the steps of the outdoor gazebo. The marriage officiant started their speech but I couldn't even hear them. All I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding. 

All of my focus was on Finn right up until I heard the marriage officiant tell me to start reading my vows. 

I knew that if I tried to come up here I wouldn't be able to read them without messing it up, so I memorised them. 

"Finney Thomas Blake, I've been dreaming about this day since we were in the second grade, and it's better than I could've ever imagined. When you were in your coma, I would visit you every day and I never thought this would happen." I paused as tears started running down both mine and Finney's face. "And I swore to myself that if you ever woke up I would marry you. And you did. So, I, Robin Arellano, take you, Finney Thomas Blake, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honour you all the days of my life." By the end of my vows everyone was crying. 

Finney let out a fond laugh while wiping his tears before he started reading his vows. "Robin Arellano, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have always defended me when I couldn't myself, and you always put me first. There truly is no one I'd rather marry. When I was recovering from my ....incident, you took care of me and you helped me get better. You constantly are changing me for the better. So that is why I, Finney Thomas Blake, take you, Robin Arellano, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honour you all the days of my life."

"Now you may exchange rings." our marriage officiant said. 

I took Finney's hand and slid the ring onto his finger as gently as I could. I looked up at him and smiled through the tears. He was smiling and crying too as he took my hand and slid the other ring on. 

"Do you Robin Arellano, take Finney Blake to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?" the marriage officiant asked.

I looked at Finney and started crying harder than ever. "I do." 

"Do you Finney Blake, take Robin Arellano to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?" the marriage officiant asked again. 

Finney was smiling brighter than ever as he said "I do." 

"You may now kiss your groom." 

Finney and I looked at each other before grabbing each other's cheeks. We kissed, and it felt like every other kiss I've had in my life was wrong. We kissed slowly but sweetly while everyone in the audience cheered. Our breathing was shuddering from crying as we broke apart. 

I turned to look at Finn and all my friends and family in the audience, and realised that I couldn't be happier. 

word count: 1276

a/n: fine line was playing while i wrote this and ABSGSIBSHJS also just the epilogue and the alternate ending that someone requested is left! sorry if its bad

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