"Oooooooo Finney's got a crush!"

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Finney's POV:

"Hey Finney ready to go?" Robin asked while I walked up his porch steps to get to him.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" I exclaimed.

"Well come on then hermoso!" he said jokingly. I was about to ask what that meant when he started running down the street. 

(translation: handsome) 

"Wait up Robin" I said while laughing and chasing after him.

When we got to the party I was so out of breath from running the whole way I doubled over panting. 

"HAHAHAHA you're so slow!" Robin laughed.

"I am not!" I protested while standing up straight. 

"Ok Finn whatever you say." he sarcastically agreed while pulling me inside the house.

The house was so loud and there were people everywhere. There were people playing beer pong, passing a bong around, chugging competitions and dancing. Robin and Bruce have dragged me to a lot of party's over the years but I think this is the loudest one I have ever been to. 

"Come on Finn let's go get a drink." Robin said pulling me out of my trance. 

Robin was holding my wrist leading me through the house. As Robin was pulling me I accidentally knocked into someone. When I turned around to apologize, I realized it was Matty. 

"Watch it dipshit." Matty snarled. I looked down embarrassed and turned to keep walking when Robin turned around mad.

"What did you just say?" Robin yelled at him, catching peoples attention.

"Ooooo did Finney the fairy get a boyfriend?" Matty asked the crowd of people that formed.

"Matty you better shut up and get out before you get your ass kicked." Bruce told Matty.

"I'm not afraid of a couple fairies." Matty scoffed before Robin tried jumping at him. Luckily I caught Robin and got a hold of him before he started to punch Matty's face in. 

"Can you get Matty out of the house while I take Robin away?" I whispered to Bruce.

"Yeah for sure." Bruce said while waving Vance over to help him. When Matty saw Vance he turned around and ran for the exit. Everyone burst out laughing at the sight.

"I love having Vance as a personal bodyguard." Bruce giggled while Vance rolled his eyes. 

"Wanna go get a drink now?" I asked Robin. 

"Yeah." Robin grunted before turning for the kitchen. 

I followed Robin into the kitchen and watched as he poured two drinks, one for me and one for him. 

He handed me my drink and watched as I drank it all in one drink. 

"Slow your roll there kid." Robin joked as he refilled it for me. 

"I want to have some fun tonight!" I told him as I grabbed the drink and pulled him out of the kitchen. 

When I left the kitchen I went to look for Billy and Griffin and bumped into someone again. I turned around ready to get screamed at just to see it was Gwen! She was walking somewhere and looked distracted. 

"Hey Gwen, wheres Donna and Amy?" I asked her. 

"Oh Finney it's you! I was looking for you actually, I heard Matty got kicked out after Robin tried to beat him for picking on you!" she rushed out. 

"Yeah..." I said looking down embarassed. 

"Robin's a really good friend." Gwen said while smiling at me. 

"Yeah he is." I agreed. 

"Well I'm gonna go find Amy and Donna, have fun tonight Finney!" Gwen said before running off. I walked around for a bit trying to find Robin before seeing him with Billy and Griffin. I grabbed a drink and made my way over to them. 

After a couple hours I was wasted. I wasn't blacked out but I was pretty drunk. Robin drank a little bit but told me he wasn't going to get drunk just so he could keep an eye on me.

Most people had left and the only people still here were Robin, Vance, Billy, Griffin, Gwen, Donna, Amy and I. 

Robin's POV:

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Bruce asked us. 

Everyone was on the floor sitting in a circle, nodding vigorously at Bruce. 

"Okay then I'll start, Donna truth or dare?" Gwen asked.


"Do you have a crush?" Gwen asked. Donna glanced at Finney before looking at Gwen and  saying yes.

I was angry, but I tried not to show it. I turned my head and saw everyone besides Finney in the group looking at me sympathetically. I looked at Finney to see him staring at the ground embarrassed. 

"What?" I said annoyed at the boys staring at me. 

"Okay I'll ask next, Finney truth or dare?" Donna asked. 

"Ummm truth." Finney said before taking a sip of his drink. 

"Do you have a crush?" She asked.

"Yeah." he said drunkenly smiling at the ground. 

"Ooooooo Finney's got a crush!" Gwen teased. 

"Yeah I do." Finney agreed while chuckling.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Donna asked.

 Finney cringed at this comment and went silent for a minute before chugging the rest of his drink. "Ok anyways, I'll ask next." Griffin said before looking at Billy.

"Truth or dare?" Griffin asked him.

"Hmmm dare." Billy replied. 

"I dare you to call your crush and tell them that you like them." Griffin said while smirking.

"Okay." drunk Billy said while pulling his phone out of his pocket and hitting a contact.

All of a sudden someones ringtone erupted through the silence. Everyone pulled out their phone to check who it was, before realizing it was Griffin's. 

"Hello?" Griffin said into his phone confused.

"I like you." Billy said before hanging up. 

Everyone was shocked. Even I couldn't believe Billy would do that. Everyone was silent for a minute before Griffin started texting someone. Billy's phone chimed and when he read the message his face turned red. 

"Since it's so late and my parents aren't gonna be home for a couple days, do you guys want to spend the night?" Bruce asked.

"I mean I'm down." Billy answered. 

"Me too." Griffin agreed.

"You want to Finn?" I asked Finney.

"If you want to, yeah." Finney responded.

"We'll stay." I told Bruce.

"Count me in." Vance said.

"I don't feel like going to bed right now." Billy spoke.

"Me neither! Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Bruce asked us. 

"Only if it's Texas Chainsaw Massacre!" I exclaimed. Earning a groan and a pillow chucked at my face from Finney. 

a/n im cringing so hard at this. also i wish i weren't on a computer so i could use emojis to show you how much i hate this chapter

words: 1104

you belong with me (rinney from the black phone)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt