Potions {Part 1}

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Mario POV.
I was with Lucas and Devin, we where helping putting some potions where they belong, just in case someone needs them "Wait guys, where does this one go?" I heard Devin asked I looked over to see Lucas already looking at it "I'm not sure, it is pink but doesn't say what it does" I headed over there as Lucas handed me the bottle "I'm not sure, for now let's put it here" I said as I put it in another empty shelf

After a few minutes we where almost done with everything, that's when Inmo came in "Hey guys! Have you seen Kit?" I turned to him and said "No, we've been here for a while, so I'm pretty sure none of saw her" the rest agreed "So are you guys taking a break now?" He asked "Yeah, we where" Lucas answered "Ah alright" he said as he turned around to leave "I'm going to eat something you guys want to-"


Our POV.
"You are so lucky none of them got hurt!" Devin heard screaming coming another room he looked over to see Mario and Lucas laying down 'Why does my head hurt so much?' He though to himself as he stood up

He headed towards the door as the yelling continued "What is going on?" He asked as he opened to door gaining everyone's attention "Guys?"

Devin was hiding under his covers, when they told him what happened and looked in the mirror he ran towards his house and wanting to disappear "Devin?.. it's me Richie... can you please come down stairs?" Devin only went stiff when Richie spoke he didn't even hear the door open

After a few seconds Richie heard walking he stopped what he was doing and looked at the stairs "Devin, it's ok, you can come out" Richie said "But...." Devin said but didn't finish his sentence as he slowly walked out

"How did the hell did this happened?!" Devin yelled "It's not bad... it's just... ears and a tail" Richie said there was silent as Devin just glared at him "W-well at least your not the only one who has them.." Devin sighed as he sat down on the couch. Richie saw that his ears and tail where down as well 'cute' Richie though to himself

"They said that it won't last long, I think..." there was another glare at him "Come on I'll take you to get donuts" Devin sighed as he stood up and headed towards the door. Richie looked at his tail and saw it wagging 'So fucking cute.. the cat tail really suits him'

Mario POV.
I was laying on a bed as David explained to me about what happened "Do you know how long we have to be like this?" I asked he sighed and shook his head "No idea, depending on how much of the potion fell on you" the door opened to show Plant "Plant?..." his voice sounded so sad "Is Plant ok?" I asked David stood up as picked up Plant "Yeah, he just was worried about you" I was a bit surprised that he was worried about me

"Oh.. I'm fine Plant, just a little headache, that's all" I told him while smiling "Ah!" I turned around to see Lucas waking up "Lucas? Are you ok?" David asked "Lucas?" I asked as I saw that he had long hair, and um.... Breasts.. "Why the hell do I have bo-" he got interrupted by Brandon walking in "Hey Mar...io..." Brandon was staring at Lucas until he got completely red "Can someone explains what is going on? And why does Mario have wolf ears and a tail?!"

"Well when you guy where in the room, organizing all the potions, Inmo went in and like he always does he exploded making all of you be whatever you are, so Devin is a Cat, Mario is a wolf, and you are... a woman" David said, I was trying to figure out how would Lucas reacted but I saw Brandon just staring at him, he realized that I was staring at him that's when he clear his throat and said "Well I know the potions won't last long, maybe a few days or almost a week" I looked at Lucas only to see that he had red on his face "Can someone get Blake or Kit?" He asked, I was a bit confused on why he needed them until he pulled the blanket more up "Yeah sure"

I told David that's it's best for us to leave Lucas in the room alone "What? Why? You need rest" he told me, I sighed and I told him I was going to be fine, but that it was best for us if we leave now. Brandon went to go bring one of the girls or both of them he still seemed red on the face but I didn't question it

David was taking me to his house we were walking as plant was besides me "Are you sure you are ok?" David asked me "Yeah, I am, just have a small headache" he opened the door as as we all walked in "Plant" I heard Plant as David responded "Mario is fine plant, go eat some pudding" I saw Plant smiled and ran towards the kitchen "Do you think Devin is going to be ok?" David looked at me before responding "He is with Richie he'll be fine"

Our POV.
Richie and Devin where at the donut shops, Richie went in as Devin waited outside, there where some few tables and chair outside where he was at, he found a spot to eat as he waited he could hear footsteps approaching "Hello~ What's a beautiful guy doing here all alone?" There was 2 guys, they where just standing next to Devin "Im not alone, I'm with someone" one of them smiled and looked behind him before chuckling a bit "And where are they?... Who ever they might be" he asked smiling "Im right here"

All three of them turned towards the person who spoke "Devin are you ok?" Richie asked, he just nodded without saying a word "And who are you supposed to be?" The man asked getting closer to Richie "I could ask you the same question" Rocie said putting the box of donuts in a mother table "Yeah?.. Well I asked first, so be a gentleman and answer the questions" the man said staring him down "Of course... I'm here on a date with that him... so why don't YOU be a gentleman and get out of here" Devin looked at the man than back at Richie seeing movers from the other guy as he takes out a knife

The man in front of Richie laughed a bit before asking "And what if I don't?" Richie smiled before answering "Would you like to find out?"

I feel like at the end I didn't do a good job at all, or like half of the story it's been a while since I wrote

But anywayyyy tell me if you enjoyed it , I might do more or continue some stories

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