The 3 secret {Part 3}

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Lucas POV
"What?" I asked him "When we here you going to tell me or did you even planned to tell me?" I started at him as he looked at me an expression I have never seen him with "Fine" I said looking away feeling a small blush go to my face "I'm... pregnant"

"Who's the father"


"Tell me who's the father"


He was shocked at my answer and let me go "It's best that you go home-" I was cut of by him pressing his lips again mine I tried to push him off but soon kissed back missing that night and how he hold me he broke the kiss and his eyes.. he looked hurt "Why didn't you tell me?" I was a bit taken back of how his expression was "You where drunk.. how was I going to tell you if you didn't even want it to happen, you didn't mean anything that you said" I told him trying to look everywhere but his eyes but.. I loved his eyes I could never even taken my sight of off him

"How do you know?" He said looking at both of my eyes "What do you mean?" I spoke softly "How do you know I didn't mean all of that?" He said leafing me go so I could finally stand by myself "..." I stayed silent not knowing what he meant "Lucas... I love you... I had and still do for months I've liked you" he said as he took a breath I stood there shocked not knowing what to do "Do you like me?"

He had an expression that seemed that he wanted me to say yes he looked like he still had hope I broke from my thoughts and grabbed his face softly pulling him down to give him a kiss "Of course I do...I've always love you"

Devin POV
I was at my house, I was eating once again this baby eats a lot and I feel like it's most mostly taking the food that I eat for myself I put a hand on my stomach and smiled a bit but I've been thinking... should I tell him?

I've liked Richie for a while now but... I've been concerned on how he will react or will he ever be friends with me again?

Once I was about to stand up I heard a knock at my door I paused for a second before once again hearing it I stood up and headed towards the door opening it I was a bit shocked when I saw who it was not expecting the person "Richie?" I opened the door fully "Devin hello..." he seemed upset about something I wasn't sure if I should ask, or if he came to talk to me about it and see if I could give him some advise

"Oh sorry come on in" I told him while stepping aside he stepped inside and headed to the couch I closed the door after a few seconds I couldn't read what he was feeling I guess it really down him what ever happened to not be able to see how he is feeling

I headed towards the kitchen to prepare some tea for him I was about to turn around and ask him what kind of tea he wanted when I was punched agains the counter "Ow"

"Why Devin... why" I looked at his eyes to see sadness "What?" I was confounded on what he was trying to say "What do you mean? I don't understand" I told him he came closer to me our bodies almost touching I felt myself blush a bit as I stared at his eyes

"Where you ever going to tell me?.... Our child" I didn't say anything not knowing what to do or say, how did he foldouts out? That was the only thing I could think about "..." I stayed silent I stared at his eyes "Where you?"

I took a breath before speaking "... I was thinking about it... but wasn't sure if I should have or not" he stepped away turning away from me "I couldn't just drop it on your Richie... you already have a lot in your mind Brandon, Flurry, the guild, you were so busy with that I can't tell you about our child that would just be.... Too much on your plate now" I was trying not to cry, I wasn't sure why I wanted to cry but I felt the tears slowly go down my face

"I would have made time for you... we could of figure things out and.... and.." he didn't finish his sentence I looked at him while he still had his back towards me "And what? Forget about all your problems and just focus on me?" I said not wanting to sound harsh about it or with a tone "Yes... I would do it just for you Devin..." he said turning towards me looking at his eyes..

His eyes always reminded me about the ocean, so beautiful, I felt so relaxed whenever I look into his eyes

He came closer and I just stood there "Devin I have liked your for months now.. I've never knew how to tell you and felt like you would like me the way I do towards you" he grabbed my hand and placed it on his face holding it in place

"I..." words couldn't come out I was shocked "Don't say anything... I know you don't like me back but-" I cut him off pulling him toward me and kissing him softly I kept my eyes close as I felt his hands go to my waist pulling me closer towards him I stumbled back hitting the counter once again as I felt him lifted me up placing me down on the counter

He placed one of his hand on my neck pushing me more towards him still kissing me a bit more roughly we broke the kiss so we could breath I opened my eyes just to see him already looking at me "Will you be mine?" I was silent breathing a bit heavily

"I though I was already yours"

Hellloooooo it's been a while-

Hope you are having a good day/afternoon/night

Bye bye

Idk how I did at the end I feel like I did wayyy different on how I do my story's? What do you guys think?
Feels like I was writing from a high school lovers thing or something like that

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