Egg hunt..?

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"All right, everyone!" Lizzie said triumphantly, jumping onto Joels back, almost tumbling them to the ground. "I've had mother hide us eggs to find!!!" She beamed, kissing Joels' cheek. "Um, aren't we a bit old for e-" Scott started but was cut short by the pinkettes glare, who was then smiling again after a few seconds. "No, scott, we aren't. Now! Everyone but Joey, Jimmy, Pearl, Shubble, and I will draw a name from the hat over there to see who their partner is!" She got off Joels back and grabbed the hat, holding it out to the others. First Gem drew and was paired with Peral. Then Katherin, who was put with Shubble. Then Scott, who was put with Joey. Then Joel drew, who was put with Jimmy. Which left Xornoth and Lizzie to be paired together. Lizzie smiled at the purple haired man, who just stared back. "Liz, we can switch partners if you wa-" Joel was cut off. "Nope! I'm not going to let some emo man ruin my Easter!!" And with that, she was handing each team a basket and going over the rules. "No fighting," She looked at Joey and Scott, "No taking eggs from others basket unless they do it first, which in that case you are aloud to throw a water balloon at them, and no throwing rocks." She looked at Joel and then Xornoth. "LET THE HUNT BEGIN!"

The Povs will be written separately!

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