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"Katherin, please!" Shubble pleaded, trying to get a yes out of Katherin. They had been going back and forth all day, and Shubble was about to give up when she suddenly heard, "Fine. We can get a dog.." Shubbles ears perked up as she hugged Katherin with her very little strength. "I KNEW YOU WOULD GIVE IN!" Shubble yelled before she let go of Katherin. "Alright, well, we should probably head to the shelter now since they close soon." Katherin said. "I'll race you!" Shubble said before taking off in the wrong direction. "Other way!" Katherin yelled before running the RIGHT way.
Shubbles pov
"Why did you want a dog again?" Katherin said, out of breath."So I can spy on you," I said a bit louder than I wanted to. "Well, if I knew that was why I would've said no," Katherin smiled, I gasped at that before acting all offended. "That is so rude! And I thought you loved me!" I said very dramatic; I should take acting classes. I would ace them. Katherin just laughed before playing along. "No shubble. You don't understand, my love!" We both just laughed before I finally picked out a dog, and we went to fill out papers and pay.
Katherin pov
"OK, I'll go get, uhhhh...." I said before forgetting the dogs name. "Spirit!" Shubble shouted."Right, I'll go get Spirit some food, a bed, and some toys. You stay here." I said, patting Shubble's head before turning and leaving her there.

Time skip:]

I got home a bit later than I thought. Ok, I had to go Rivendell since we have no dog toys, apparently. "Shubble, I'm home!" I said, waiting for an answer, just to not get one. "Shubble?" Where was she? I walked into the living room to find her and Spirit asleep on the couch. I set my stuff down, put a blanket on them, and then headed up to my room to go to bed aswell.

Hello my lovlies! I hope you enjoyed this! I will hopefully get more out soon.

Empires oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon