🌸Can you keep a secret?🌸

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It's not that normal to see a cod hybrid in Rivendell, nor is it normal for a cod hybrid to be dating an elf, but that's just how things are in Empires. Now, no one but Lauren knew that they were dating, but that's how they wanted it to be. Just them two, making up excuses to go see each other, pretending to be dating until the sun went down and the moon came up. But that all changed a few days ago...

"Sc-ott plea-se!" Jimmy managed to choke out between laughs and giggles.  Scott was about to say something back when he was pulled into a kiss. "I-You- JIMMY WHAT THE HEC-!" The elf tried to yell, but was cut off by a knock at the door. "Who would be here this late at night?" Scott wondered, looking out his window, only to see Shelby standing outside. Fixing his appearance, he quickly ran downstairs to answer the door.

"Hello Shubble" Scott said a little out of breath once he answered the door. "Hello Scott, I know its late, but can I stay here for the night? My dogs are to tired to make the journey back home" The little gnome asked. "Uh, hold on" Scott said before he shut the door so it was cracked open. "Lauren! Is the guest room open?" He shouted at his bestfriend and helper,"Wha- Scott I sleep in the guest room you idiot!" She yelled back. Sighing, he opened the door again to look at Shelby "You may stay as long as your ok with staying on the couch. My helper is in the guest room and my parents are down visiting so both rooms aren't available" The elf said."I'm ok with the couch" Shubble replied. "Ok, come on in"
----------------The next morning---------------

Jimmy woke up to Scotts arms around his waist and his head in the crook of his neck. As Jimmy tried to get up, he was pulled back down by the same arms, except now they were rapped around his tighter. "Scott please, I need to get up" Jimmy said, still trying desperately to get up, and only getting a tired groan in response. "Scott plea-"Shubbles' here" Scott said, cutting Jimmy off.

"I- Pardon?"You cant get up because Shubbles' here" groaning, Jimmy gave up and kept cuddling Scott, just to be interrupted by Lauren shouting at Scott."Scott! Shubble wishes to have you accompany her to lunch!" She shouted,"I- Lunch!?" Scott shouted back, and was answered by Lauren storming up to his room and slamming his door open. "Yes. Lunch. Now either you go down there and join her or I swear to Aeor- Oh, I didn't know you had your boyfriend over" She teased. "Lauren, please, just let me sleep" the elf said, still tired from the sudden action. "Fine, I'll give you ten minutes then I'm sending your mother up here" Lauren said sighing, before she walked out.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Shubble asked as Scott walked down the stairs, still wearing his pajamas. "I dont wanna talk about it" Was all Scott said the entire lunch. "Bye Scott, bye Lauren!" Shubble said as she walked out the door. Scott looked at Lauren, then the stairs, then back at Lauren, before walking back upstairs to check on Jimmy. "Jimmy, I'm ba-oof!" Was the last thing he said before he was tackled to the ground, not by a cod hybrid, but by an axolotl hybrid, who was oddly tall for her age(120-1,189)"Scott fucking Smajor"

CLIFF HANGER! Also happy Pride Month, I hope you all stay safe! As always, remember to hydrate and eat.
Bee out!

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