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Missa's POV:

At the top of the castle Phil was already at the top with Chayanne. I grabbed the edge and lifted myself up. I stood up straight and looked at Phil. It's crazy that I have a BOY as my husband/partner. I'm not Gay. Ugh I need to stop thinking about this. I looked at Chayanne and he was just running around, "The quests came in!" Phil said. I turned to Phil. "What's the quests?" I asked him. "Feed the egg with a picture of seeds. Sing the baby a lullaby with a picture of a disc." He responded to me. "Well. Let's get these tasks done!" I said with energy. He closed his inventory and looked at me. He smiled. I smiled back. I loved his smile so much. Im so happy he's my partner. "Alright" he responded laughing a bit. "Do you have a juke box? Because I have discs, I have a farm to feed Chayanne which I can go get right now." Phil said. "I don't have a juke box. But I do have a diamond I think" I said to Phil while opening my inventory. I took out my back pack and closed my inventory. I put the bag on the floor and went on a knee, j opened the bag and started to look through it, and there it was. A shiny diamond. I took it out and the sun reflected on it. I put it on the floor and zipped up the bag. I opened my inventory and put the bag in my inventory. I closed my inventory and grabbed the diamond. I stood up and held out the diamond to Phil. "Here!" I said. He took it out of my hand gently while saying "Thank you!" I put my hand down after her grabbed the diamond. He started to walk over to the crafting table while Chayanne came running towards me. I went back on one knee to get down to his hight, kind of at-least. I looked at Chayanne and smiled. He held out a sign that said 'Hola'. I love Chayanne so much. He's just adorable! I can't believe there is a dragon in that egg. And one day we'll get to see that dragon. I patted Chayanne on the top of his head gently and smiled. I took my hand away from his head and he started jumping.

Philza's POV:

I clicked on the crafting table and make a jukebox. I need to repay Missa. I'll repay him soon. I turned around and looked at Missa and Chayanne. They both were hanging out, "I think Chayanne likes you." I said while walking over to them. He looked up at me. "I think so too." He said while standing up, I laughed a bit. He smiled at me. I slowly stopped laughing and went on a knee. I opened my inventory and took out seeds. I closes the inventory and Chayanne came running towards me. I gave the seeds to him and he ran away. "Even if you try to bribe him with food be will always love me the most." Missa said with confidence. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. I opened the quest book and the quest was complete. "At least im a better parent and is actually feeding our child." I said acting stupid. He did a massive gasp like it was offensive but he knew I was joking because the expression on his face and how he gasped. I stood up and looked at him. Then I turned to Chayanne who was just sitting there looking at us. "You want music?" I asked Chayanne. He started jumping so I put down the jukebox. I opened my inventory and took out disc 13. I put it in, a second after I put it in I slammed on the button to stop the music. I looked at Missa, he looked at me.. like I was crazy- he was just frozen, I looked over at chayanne and he was jumping. A EGG LIKES- CREEPY MUSIC? I looked back over at Missa. He was just staring at Chayanne and confused how he liked that.. 'music'.. Missa looked back at me, still looked like I was crazy. I pressed the button to turn it back on. The music started to play, Chayanne was jumping up and down while running in circles. You know what I did? I started jumping and running around with Chayanne. I couldn't stop smiling. Chayanne was so happy, I was so happy. Just seeing Chayanne happy, made me happy. I looked at Missa while running and jumping, he looked really concerned- like when I mean really concerned. I mean.. REALLY concerned. I ignored, I didn't care what he thought, me and Chayanne were enjoying this, not even a day in 2 tasks are done. At least this should count this task which will make it 2, and this is a memory that I don't think I'll forget, there is more memories coming. This is just. The. Beginning..

846 words.

Hope you all enjoy this part! I really enjoyed writing it! Make sure to drink water and stay safe everyone! ^^

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