
"So you're saying that in the span of just two days Davina runs away from here and then is back courtesy of your diabolical minds, and now she's throwing up dirt and bringing forth earthquakes. Sounds great." Lucy pursed her lips, glancing at the personnels gathered in the room, before adding. "And for the record, I just woke up."

"She has too much power that she cannot control. That much we already knew. But why is it manifesting itself in such an aggressive manner?" Elijah posed the ultimate question before realisation dawned onto him.

"Where are you going?" Klaus stopped the older Mikaelson midway out of his way out.

"This is witch business." Elijah spoke up, a slight smirk appearing onto his face. "Let's ask a witch."

"And I don't feel offended at all." Lucy murmured dryly.

Hayley looked at them awkwardly before she too hurried out of the room after the Original.

"And. . . why would she run out after him like that?" Lucy asked, confusion filled in her voice.

"No idea." Vaishali shrugged with a forced purse of her lips. "They're kinda friends now, I guess. Elijah's been teaching her how to be a vampire, now that she's a vampire too."

"I want to see Davina." Cami spoke up, "Where is she?"

"Allow me." Marcel offered after sharing an understanding look with Niklaus.

"Are you okay?" Rebekah asked, casting a curious glance to Vaishali who was tapping her foot onto the floor in anxiousness, her eyes flickering to the door constantly.

"Uh, nothing." Vaishali snapped out of it, fixing her posture.

"Doesn't look like it." Rebekah pressed on as Lucy and Niklaus watched the show unfold with extreme curiosity.

"Hayley did some stupid shit." Vaishali winced to herself. "And I guess Elijah's gonna be pretty angry at her."

"What did she do?" Niklaus piqued up, narrowing his eyes.

Vaishali's eyes widened as if just realising that he was in the room too, before she cleared her throat, managing her voice, "Nothing that I'm aware of. But maybe I'll let you know. Excuse me."

And then she awkwardly left the room.

Rebekah casted the pair one last glance, and departed, looking quite unpleased for some unknown reason.

Lucy shrugged to herself at everyone's weird and novel behaviour before rising from her chair.

"How did you sleep?" Niklaus asked even before she could take a single step ahead (or possibly begin on her plan of exiting the room).

"Fine." she replied shortly, sauntering to the small bar and beginning nursing a drink.

"You're drinking?"

"Quite a judgemental tone I hear." she casted him a look. "It's not healthy, I'm aware."

A knock interrupted them as Nikalus swallowed whatever words he was beginning to formulate.

"Oh, Cami." Lucy passed the blonde a smile. "How is Davina?"

"Not too good." she sighed, looking around the room. "Would you like to begin?"

"Yeah." Lucy nodded quietly before holding out the drink to her. "Whiskey?"

Niklaus got up respectfully, on his way out before Lucy called out after him. "Please don't be listening in this time, Klaus."

¹REDEMPTION ❥ klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now