Chapter 2 : Be prepared for departure!

Start from the beginning

Macy beckoned them and they went to the table, where were already placed soup's bowl. Aymee quickly noticed a third bowl. She didn't even have time to question Kingsley that she found herself pressed against Demelza's chest for a big hug. Apparently, everything was going very fast that day.

"Ah, Sweetheart! How happy I am to see you again! How are you darling?"

Demelza stepped aside to observe her face, as if to make sure she was fine. Aymee smiled to reassure her.

"Great and you? And Gill? And everyone?"

"Very good! They were sad to miss you."

They sat at the table and enjoyed a good meal. Demelza led the majority of the conversation alone, but Aymee did not complain. Demelza told them about her work, the children, the last gossip in the world of magic, etc. Aymee did not think it was possible to have so many topics of conversation in one meal.

Finally, late at night, Demelza got up from the sofa where they had settled to continue chatting. She stepped towards Aymee, who had risen by reflex.

"I think I'll go. You have to go to bed early to catch tomorrow's train. I don't want you to miss it because of me!"

"No risk," assured Kingsley with his deep voice. "I've planned alarm clocks."

Aymee could not hold back a guilty smile, remembering the disastrous departure last June. They had been on the verge of missing the portkey. Fortunately, it wouldn't be a problem.

Demelza hugged Aymee before sticking a peck on the top of her head.

"Ah, I will miss you. Don't hesitate to write to me, okay Angel?"


Demelza then kissed her brother goodbye before heading for the fireplace. She greeted Digby and Macy from afar before throwing the green powder and vanish into the smoke of green flames. Kingsley turned to Aymee.

"You should go to bed now."

"Huh... Okay."

Admittedly, at the colony, Aymee had gotten into the habit of going to bed early, but with the jet lag, it was still far too early for her to be tired, especially since she hadn't trained much that day. However, Aymee didn't wish to oppose Kingsley. She wished him good night and prepared to go to bed.

With good will, Aymee closed the light and raised up her duvet to her chin, determined to fall asleep.


"Argh!" Aymee exclaimed in her pillow.

Impossible to sleep. Aymee glanced at the dial on the bedside table. It indicated past midnight. Aymee made a quick calculation in her head: for her, it was not far from 7 p.m. She moaned again. Damn jet lag! The previous year, at least, she had had a week of adaptation. This time, classes started the day after tomorrow! No, not even that far, they started the next day! Will she have managed to adapt by then?

Impossible! mentally moans Aymee. Unless...!

Aymee straightened up in bed. Of course! She simply had to start her internal clock all over! If she didn't sleep that night nor the rest of the day, she would be tired enough and fall like a stone when evening would come! Simple!

Aymee jumped out of bed and made a few stretches to wake up. She went to rummage through her bag to find something to do the rest of the night. Her eyes landed on her textbooks first, but the fun magic's one. Those of maths, English, science and others. Aymee couldn't hold back a pout of disgust when she saw them. Why was she doing this extra work already? Ah yes, because of those damn secrets.

Aymee groaned and dismissed these muggle-deadly textbooks to fetch those of magic. Giving herself a small lead would not hurt her, especially since the others would catch up quickly with her learning difficulties.

As she was reminded of those, Aymee remembered the conversation she had exchanged with Vincent Poole last June. How the boy had disparaged her (probably unintentionally, but still!) because of this handicap. Aymee felt a new flame of will rise in her chest. He was going to see what she was capable of, ADHD or not! This year, she was going to beat him! She had to!

Aymee eyed the different subjects she had before her. Something told her Snape might have reserved another surprise pop-quiz for them like he did at the start of the previous year, she thus prioriser her potion's manual. The half-blood then settled comfortably in her bed, where she read by the light of her bedside lamp for the rest of the night.

The alarm clock rang at eight o'clock sharp, and Aymee immediately turned it off. It had been twenty minutes since she reread the same line, she needed silence to concentrate. She willed herself to read aloud and articulate to force her brain to process information. Aymee ended up sighing and closed her manual in a clap! for good measure.

Eating will give me a little boost, she reasoned.

Aymee changed quickly and picked up her bag before going down. Digby was already there, busy placing cutlery and cooking at the same time. Aymee frowned when he saw him juggling between the different tasks. She glanced around.

"Macy isn't here?"

"No, Miss. She has other tasks elsewhere, Miss."

He added no more. Aymee vaguely wondered what were these other tasks in question before her mind was completely captivated by the smell of the breakfast Digby was preparing. Aymee dropped into the nearest chair, salivating in front of the plate of fruit pancakes Digby brought her.

"Enjoy your meal, Miss."

"Thanks! You too!"

Aymee thinned her lips while realizing her error. She glanced at Digby, who showed a patient smile.

"I already ate, Miss. It was very good, thank you, Miss."

"Ah? W-Well, that's for the best..."

"Yes. Please excuse me, Miss."

He bowed quickly before leaving at full speed and without noise to the kitchen to finish what he was doing. Aymee remained confused for a moment, not knowing how to react. She finally decided to savor her pancakes and throw as many compliments as she could to Digby. Aymee figured, given that he valued her work so much, it was surely the best she could do and, indeed, Digby refused her compliments in an embarrassed and almost blushing tone.

"Already awake?" was astonished Kingsley once in the room. "Have you not slept well?"

Aymee avoided the lie by taking a new bite of pancakes. Kingsley smiled when he saw her so lively.

"I imagine you are impatient at the idea of meeting up with your friends and comrades?" he asked her while sipping his coffee.

"Yes! I have often wondered how they were doing this summer!"

They continued to chat while having lunch until Digby informed them the taxi had arrived. Aymee thanked Digby for his succulent pancakes one last time and asked him to greet Macy for her before leaving the apartment. Like the previous year, the taxi drove them to the station, with the difference that they were trapped in London traffic this time. Once there, they had to run and make their way to the magic gate. They crossed as soon as the surrounding muggles looked elsewhere and arrived in front of the Hogwarts Express, where masses of parents were waving goodbye to their children.

"Be prepared for departure," yelled a train valet.

"Quick, hurry up!" Kingsley pushed her.

By reflex, Aymee sprinted towards the wagons. The valet saw her just in time and she was able to board. She barely had time to turn around and find Kingsley in the crowd when she felt the train set off. Fortunately, her godfather detonated in the crowd, whether by his high stature or by his appearance. Like the other students, Aymee waved him goodbye with his hand. Kingsley mirrored her with a confident smile.

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