Interlude : Draken

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Draken POV:

Today was like any other day, wake up, get ready, wake Mikey's ass up, go or skip school, gang meeting, fighting, feeding Mikey you name it. 

Well, ever since (y/n) appeared, it has change rather significantly. I found myself wondering what the hell she was up to and cross my fingers that she didn't do anything stupid. Of course I would accompany her if she were to go out, but recently she has been going out on her own more often. Yes, she still gets lost sometimes, but nevertheless she was starting to slowly know her way around more. Which in itself wasn't a bad thing considering that I won't need to worry about her potentially getting lost in the future since taking care of Mikey is already a handful. 

With that aside, I have something bigger to worry about and that is apparently (y/n) is spiderwoman, doing spiderwoman stuffs and there's nothing I can do to stop her from doing it.

Every time she would disappear, whether it'd be during a hangout or whenever I visited her room, I was thrown into an internal panic as I would rush to check the news just to see what kind of mishap she got herself into. If the news reporter ever mentions knife or guns, then I get extra agitated. Did she got hurt? I would though. If it was around the others, they would tease me for it. It's a damn shame they don't know and the thing is that they can't know. Whenever (y/n) shows up, she would have a fresh bruise or an injury somewhere. When the others asked about it, her excuse was that she got caught in a fight with other gang and escaped or a clumsy slip up, but I knew far better than anyone else where they came from and it rubs me the wrong way how she can just smile through it all like it's a normal occurrence.

I remembered confronting her about her injuries at some point. I told her to give it a rest to allow her injuries to heal. "Don't worry, Draken. My injury. Heals the next day. I'm good." I didn't believed her until the very next day when she showed me her untainted skin free of bruises, I remembered being shocked as I would grasp her arm to check closely just to be sure that what I saw wasn't an illusion.

Her scarred hands suddenly stop my frantic hands and held them inside her own, she gave me a small smile, "Thanks, Draken. For worrying, For me." 

I still couldn't grasp why she would willingly put herself in danger. So what if she saved them? They can be shitty people for all I know, and with me being affiliate to the underground world, there are many, many shitty individuals who would exploit others for their own gains.

"Why?" out of all the words I searched for, a question instinctively flew out of my mouth instead. She release my hands and with her right balls it into a fist, "I'm strong." her voice held a determined tone that also reflects onto her face as she looks at me. She then lets out a soft short huff of amusement, "I really appreciate your worry, Draken. But really, you don't need to worry. I'll be fine. I always have. Just leave it to me." she pats my left shoulder as she walk past me. "Have a goodnight, Draken!

I  wanted to stop her, my hands were itching to, to stop her so I could get a more clear answer other than I'm strong or I'll be fine. I wanted to, but I found myself no able to. I could only watch as she walks away. In a way I can't seem to get to her no matter how many steps I took. I always gets the impression that she was also telling me to keep a distance. But, how could I? Especially whenever she shows up with some form of injury or the tired look she has in her eyes when she stare off into space or when she thought no one was looking. could I ever keep my distance.

"Wow, I've never seen Draken look so deep in thought like this." I heard Mitsuya commented, "He looks sort of funny, like he's trying to be a protagonist." Peh said this time, "All he needs now is a bit of dramatic flare and music to go along with it." Baji's comment create a vein pop from my temple, "I can hear you." I said, addressing to them without looking. I bet they're snickering right now.

"Seriously though, why are you looking so scary right now? Also, where's (y/n)?" Mucho asked while leaning his weight on one leg.

Risking her life again.

"She has some business to tend to." I simply replied, "Ah, no wonder she's so late. We were supposed to attend the meeting 5 minutes ago." Mikey said, "Well, you could've gone ahead first."

"And I chose not to." Mikey replied with a cat grin. "Yeah, plus I'm sure (y/n) will arrive anytime now." Chifuyu said whilst checking the time on his phone.

I then hear footsteps coming at us quickly. I look towards the direction of the sound to see (y/n) running towards us, "Speak of the devil." Smiley chirpily said as he then wave his hand in the air to greet (y/n).

Once (y/n) arrives, she bends forward with her hands on her knees to catch her breath, "Hey, everyone." (Y/n) greeted before standing upright once more. Before I could say something, Mikey beats me to it, "(Y/n)! You're finally here!" Mikey quickly came at her as he then slung an arm over her shoulders to which I noticed her wincing in pain. I don't doubt other took notice as well, "What's wrong, (y/n)? Did someone hurt you on your way here?" Angry asked as he come forward to make sure she was okay. "Aaaah, no worry. The task. Really heavy." (Y/n) then rolls her shoulders as a way to show that they were just sore. Nonetheless, I came over to Mikey to pull him away from accidentally probing her injury, "You heard her so stop putting your stinking arm around her you insensitive idiot."

"I was going to!" Mikey complained with a pout, "Doesn't look like you were about to." I said before smacking him upside his head which earned a glare from him.

"Now then, since we're all here, it's best we go now. Everybody else are already at the shrine as we speak." Mitsuya said as he then get on his motorbike. The rest of us follow his action and we are on our way.

As I ride with (y/n) holding on to me from behind, I couldn't help but ask her, "You okay?" my voice unintentionally came soft that it made me unsure if (y/n) even heard my question. I was relieved when she answered back even though deep down, I knew it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear, "Yeah, I'm good." is what she said. Despite the answer not satisfying my tastebuds, I somewhat got an alternative answer from the way how she ever so subtly tightens her hold around my waist which I comprehended as 'No, Draken. I'm really fucking tired and in pain.'

Why must she be a pain in the ass sometimes?

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