Koko you make me un poco loco

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(y/n)'s POV:

"*Setting up the camera* Okay! *claps hands* Todays iiiis....huh, oddly enough the day remains the same and only the year had changed. Alright. Anyways! Today is the 26 of June 2005 and not 2022. Yeah, pretty fucking crazy. I time traveled! Could it also be possible that I'm in another universe as well?.....Meeh. Ok, back on topic! So about three days ago, I suddenly appeared in this *hand gesture* new time or era whatever, basically the time where me and Jason are supposed to be like *in though* 1 year old. Holy shit even saying that out loud doesn't sound real. *Gasp* Is there another me here?!........Alright fuck, I keep getting distracted, uuuh so uhm, apparently I'm in Japan, every weebs dreams ya know haha aaaaah I don't understand anything they say except for a few from anime.......but that's fine cause I'm thinking of learning it. I mean I have to since......*heavy sigh while briefly looking away and then back at the camera* I'm......stuck here.....probably....forever..... I can't determine what could caused this...Gosh...Damn it at least let me say goodbye before sending me to who knows where!.......*deep breath* Whelp, that's it for today. I'll update soon. Peace out for now."

I end the recording and it automatically save itself. Feeling under the weather due to the solemn though but I then quickly brush it off. C'mon (y/n)! Remember, Jason said you're better than that! You can't let your boy down now! With that in mind, my spirit felt more lighter as a smile paints my lips. I proceed to get up while shoving my phone into my pocket, making my way out of my provided room by the generous man and towards Draken's room.

Knocking three times, I then wait and shortly after the man himself shows himself at the door, "Uh? What's up (y/n)?" not thinking much about what he said, I just went ahead I say what I needed at the moment, "You know where the library is? You know, so I can look for books and learn japanese." I even made the opening the book motion to further emphasize my message. Draken stares at me slightly scratching his neck before he finally respond, "Book? I have some but I don't think you can understand any of it. I'll bring ya to a library, there should be books written in english. Come with me." understanding the last part, I comply and follow him until we arrived in front of a building, "What's this place? Is this the fabled tilted towers?" I inquired while observing the building. I then spot a sign that has books drawn into it. It finally clicked. Was it luck that he somehow understood that this is where I wanted to go?

"Based on your expression, it seems like this is what you meant all along." Draken stated something to which I turned to him with a wide grin, "I don't what you said now just now but, thank you!" I spoke in japanese at the end which made Draken's eyes widen in surprise before he huffs in amusement and ruffles my head, "No problem." As I turn to make my way inside, "(y/n)!" I look over my shoulder to see Draken making a phone hand sign, basically telling me to call him once I'm done. I nod with a thumbs up before we both walk our separate ways.



"Bruh, no way." upon entering the building and asking the nice lady at the front desk where the the english section is to which she gladly told me so, I went to check it out but for minutes looking through shelves after shelves, turns out there's not a single book about learning japanese written in english. "Well, I'm fucked. How the fuck do they not have it? Should I look in a different place?" I mumbled in frustration. While pondering in my thoughts, I felt a presence beside me.  When I turn my head to look who was it, a guy with slitted eyes with one side of his head shaved down to a buzz as the rest were swept to the side and he wore casual clothes, "Excuse me, I'm sorry for taking your time but I need your help." I was surprise to hear that this person can speak english but I soon brush that though aside and focus on the matter at hand, my spiderowman senses kicking in, "Sure, how can I help you?" I inquired casually. His eyes seemingly widens whatever I just said before it return to normal and then he went silent for a moment before he speaks again, "I have a friend who got beat up and his bag got stolen by a bunch of delinquents. I tried asking the others but they back out once they saw their numbers...

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