"It might've been because I don't have a quirk, but I'm always made fun of...maybe that's why...I don't know...but I think saving people is super cool. Saving people with a fearless smile...I want to be the greatest hero, like you...!" Izuku dramatically said as he raised his head to look at All Might.

Only to see some steam clearing; revealing All Might's true form. A true skinny queen. Obviously both of them freaked out. All Might freaked out because his biggest secret just got revealed. Izuku freaked out because he now knew the truth of the number one hero, All Might.

However, in an alleyway of a shopping district, the sludge villain wakes up inside of a plastic bottle. Firecracker and his lackeys just happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right amount of built up anger.

Firecracker, being the angry little shit he is, kicked the bottle and of course the lid flew off and released the sludge villain into the alleyway. What more could go wrong?

Oh. It's now trying to use Firecracker as its new body suit.

Multiple heroes arrived at the scene, including Death Arms, two other heroes and All Might in his skinny form, just chilling with the rest of the civilians.

Death Arms attempted to punch the slime villain but couldn't grab hold of him because...it's slime...and ended up getting himself kicked back by the sludge villain.

The sludge villain then attempts to attack two other heroes but they swiftly dodged.

Firecracker continued to try to explode the sludge villain which obviously caused many fires and made the whole situation a whole lot worse as a certain wooden hero couldn't get through because of the fire.

Obviously, I also happened to walk by on my way to get my juice box. I ran out.

This minor setback wasn't going to be getting in the way of my juice boxes so I pushed my way through the crowd to get to the show right next to the large gathering due to the villain attack.

I purchased my juice boxes and walked out of the store already piercing the...hole part...and taking a sip from the straw.

I did have to admit, the whole villain ordeal looked very enticing but I would never sit back and watch the show...no I'm just kidding, of course I would watch the whole thing.

I was sipping on my juice box talking to the unbothered elderly lady next to me as we watched the whole thing go down. She gave me some sweets. She was a very lovely lady. Everybody say thank you to Grandma Dotty for the amazing sweets.

The sludge villain gets larger as Mt Lady arrives. Everybody was so hyped to see her in action again but her only weakness appeared. A road that didn't have at least 2 lanes.

'That's what you get for being so damn big.' I thought to myself as I sipped my juice once again.

The sludge villain then tries to swallow Firecracker whilst swinging at Death Arms and the other heroes but they dodged the attack.

I then see Izuku move his way into the crowd.

'Izu...he's here...' I thought as I went to go to him and check up on him. Always check on your friends.

I was about to call out to him but the sludge villain started to strangle Firecracker again which caught my attention.

However, Izuku had only just noticed Firecracker being in trouble and ran towards him before me or any of the pros could do anything. He threw his bag at the villain and one of his books poked the villain's eye.

Firecracker's face was released from the sludge villain and he coughed for more air. Izuku then began to claw at the sludge villain's body only for it to be unsuccessful. The sludge villain covered Firecracker's mouth again.

Izuku then gave Firecracker a teary smile. This made me realize that Izuku was still there to try to save him even when the pros did nothing. Even though he had no battle experience. Even though he was quirkless.

'He's so admirable' I thought as I stood there in awe at my friend.

The sludge villain prepared another attack and carried it out which caused a massive explosion. I wriggled my way closer to the front of the crowd trying to get to Izuku before he became as charred as the meat on my father's barbeque.

However, All Might blocked an attack before I even managed to wriggle my way to the front of the crowd. He spoke to Izuku and grabbed Firecracker's arm and punches the sludge villain with another one of his smashes.

Mt Lady protected the civilians and the other heroes from the impact of the smash. All Might took deep and heavy breaths.

'His punch changed the weather...' I thought to myself. The performance was outstanding as rain started to fall from the sky.

All Might flashed the crowd a smile.

Sometime later, most of the crowd had dispersed due to the police and other heroes, which included me. Izuku was left to be scolded by the heroes for his suicidal actions whereas Firecracker got praised due to his quirk and bravery.

After a while, Izuku walked home.

I, on the other hand, spammed his messages to make sure he had his daily dose of love and affection from me to make sure he knows how much I love and appreciate him.

I just wish I could have been there for him. If only I was faster and better. I could have helped him out. He wouldn't have gotten scolded by those heroes.

Here we go! Another chapter for my little ones.

This is a long-ish chapter. I have yet to proof-read it but I'll do all the editing later and I'll make sure to leave a note for you all!

I'm so proud of you all! You're all doing great and I love you so much <3

Yet again, if you spot any errors or misuse of pronouns please tell me so I can fix them quickly. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 [BNHA x m!reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora