83rd mechanized regiment

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(A/N: the only true enemy that made the tans and greens unite...the british empire)

A tan super carrier pushed through a massive block of ice, launching tan jet's faster than usual, nearby was a pair of tan missile frigates.

"Captain Torres, we've got sight of a large wooden fleet! The flagship's flyin' no flags sir."

"Old version or new version?"

"Captain! The flagship's middle pole has risen a flag with the universal death sign, a skull."

"Prepare the main cannon."
"Sir, this is an aircraft carrier."
"Ah, potato potato, just prepare the main cannon."

The aircraft carrier's frontal deck suddenly split apart, revealing a 680mm railgun.

"Sir, we've predicte-"
"The ships changing course!"
"What? Did it finally see how futile it was to fight?"
"Enemy cannon fire detected west!"

"Fire all weapons."

The giant railgun instantly vaporized the first ship while several AA (tan flak 88's) cannons turned, firing a salvo of time fuze shells toward the wooden fleet

This resulted in a very fast slaughter, the wooden fleet just, vanished, nothing remained.

"I think this was overkill, captain."
"Nothing is overkill if you don't know the enemy."
"Aye, sir."

The tan super carrier continued on it's course while the 680mm railgun on the front deck had been hidden once again, and to allow aircraft to land and get launched faster.

The tan super carrier had launched a cargo plane filled with over a hundred tan paratroopers toward the nearby island fort, then, started launching cruise missiles at the fort.
After all, the enemy can't resist if you kill them before you arrive

The moment the tan paratroopers landed in the fort, several knights attempted charging...
....Only to be shot by the company sized force.

"This is Siegebreaker 4-1, we've gotten the inner fort secured."
Tan paratroopers were seen in the background as the officer radioed this in, breaching the governor's office and shooting him.
"Governor's killed, as well."
The outer walls were soon lit ablaze by cannon fire from the tan super carriers escort; a heavy battleship class, the Unsinkable IV (A/N: Foreshadowing, the foreshadowing, of foreshadowing.) The tan super carrier soon went next to the fort, and began unloading small vehicles, even a M60 tank.

The tan super carrier suddenly detected jet's, they looked...
Is that a F4 Phantom?

The tan super carrier launched 2 squadrons within the first minute of them being detected, not counting the thirty drone's being launched from cluster missile's.
The unknown jet was currently escaping, they had not launched quick enough unfortunately....
At least they could patrol now, in the air.

"This is the tan super carrier, Intermediate class, we've detected a unknown F4 Phantom, it had a mix of color's, not from any army we know of."
"We aren't in the toy box anymore, then, admiral. Alert the nearby fleet's, i need to get the dreadnoughts authorized for rearming and modernization now."
"Aye sir."

"Sir, we've finished a device that will allow us to follow our tan brethren into that other world!"
"Good...transport us to them."
"As you wish, Mastermind."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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