Green Arrow: Why? Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel: (happily)You thought I was Kryptonian? Cool.

Wonder Woman: (to Superman)Icon interests me also. As does his protégé, Rocket.

Wonder Woman: Athena knows that the league could use more female members

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Wonder Woman: Athena knows that the league could use more female members.

Black Canary: Agreed.

Hawk Girl: Hear, hear.

The sudden outburst from the female members caused some awkwardness between some of the male members

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The sudden outburst from the female members caused some awkwardness between some of the male members.

Inside of the cave, Zatanna and M'gann were cooking Thanksgiving dinner for everyone who was living inside of the cave

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Inside of the cave, Zatanna and M'gann were cooking Thanksgiving dinner for everyone who was living inside of the cave. Wally was there eating the cranberry's that M'gann had prepared for the sauce. And Sasuke and Superboy were sitting on the couch with Wolf

Wally: Gobble, gobble. *eats cranberry* Oh man, I love Thanksgiving.

M'gann used her telepathy to lift a wooden spoon in the air and smacked Wally on the hand.

Wally: Ow.

M'gann: Heh, those are for dinner, Wally.

Zatanna: Yelsrap egas yramesor dna emyht!

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