Atsushi ate candy

Start from the beginning

We talked for some time about what we were doing through all these years. I found out that the reason why after a few days of being kept in the basamant Mikhail were nowhere to be found was that he actually got adopted. He told me that he kept thinking about me everyday couldn't stop wanting to meet me again. Then he asked what I was doing after he left so I started telling that the headmaster and other staff kept on abusing me until I was eighteen then they decidad to throw me away. Mikhail looked very sad about not being there for me and not being able to help me. But then changed into being concerned about how I got this job then. So I also ended up telling him how I saved Dazai from drawning in a river and then Dazai and Kunikida treated me to a meal, after what they told me they were searching for a tiger. On this information Mikhail's face looked rather confused but he didn't say anything and just continued to listen.
"And then Dazai-san said I'll be a bait for the tiger, I wanted to run away but in the end I agreed. Then I and Dazai-san were waiting all of a sudden I felt weird and transformed into a white tiger! But I couldn't control it so I like fainted and the next morning I woke up in a bed and got a call from Dazai-san that I'll be working in the armed detective agency from this day on. That's pretty much it"

Mikhail's face is now even more confused and looks like he's searching for a question.
"Wait- you turned into a tiger?..."
"Uhm yeah I also found out that the reason why the headmaster hated me so much was because I had an ability and was the one destroying things at night for I couldn't control it at the time..."
Black haired took his arm of off my shoulders and I was sure he's going to say something meen. But instead his eyes shined and he gasped.
"Woah!! Atsushi your even cooler now! An ability so cool!!! But does rhis mean you cant control it?"
"Ah no no, you see almost everyone in the ADA has an ability and the boss of ADA has an ability that helped me to control mine"
His eyes shined even more and he lifted his hand to cover his mouth.
"Wah!! So cool! You all have super cool pawers!!! So cooooollllll!!!!!!"
Ah yes, I now remember Mikhail was always addicted to the word cool thenever I talked with him back in the orpanage he said the word cool like three times in every sentence. I chuckled a bit and even though Mik didn't know why he started giggling as well.

(Dazai pov)

After I walked out of the interrogation room I made my way to the room next to it. As I walked in my eyes immediantly made their way on Atsushi and this black haired guy on the other side of Venetian mirror. With a smirk I sat down on one of the chairs inside the small room. The fact is I knew that Atsushi and him know each other, I also knoe that Atsushi have been very down lately and his mental state doesn't look so good either. That's why I come up with this plan in which Atsushi by meating with this guy will chear up a bit and hopefully the guy will maybe help him with his strugles. If I were still in the mafia I would probably beat him up and told to not be pathetic... But I am not in the port mafia anymore so I'll try my best to actually help my apprentice. A smirk made it's way onto my face as I remembered Odasaku's words about helping people. I'll help him, I will for you, for Atsushi, and also for myself...

(Mikhail pov)

The reason for all this sufering Atsushi went through was just because he was born with a ability? Ugh now I hate the headmaster even more. He didn't even told Atsushi this so he probably blamed everything on himself. I was giggling with Atsushi then I realized something. The mirror in front of us, it's pretty obvious it's the kind of mirror that on the other side is a window, I saw them a lot in my life after all. But we aren't talking about anything serious just the past so the only thing I can do is.Then Atsushi didn't look I lifted my hand a bit and stuck my middle finger up to anyone that was now watching us.

Finally after some more time Atsushi's bandaged coworker came back and asked if he got any information while he was gone. Atsushi awkwardly answered no, so I shouted that it's because I'm so so cool and smart and that's why he doesn't have anything yet. Then the man made a little smirk and with a bit terrifying face said.
"Hmm then maybe I shall interrogate him?~"
I shook my head.
"Haha just kidding, just kidding~~"

They now started to seriously intorrogate me and the first question was obviously if I'm the drug dealer. The answer was yes and I could feel that Atsushi's friend knew it from the beging so I said the truth. Atsushi seemed suprised and sad, I felt bad that he will see the bad side of me but since I left the orphanage this was my life. Selling drugs in some dark allays, stealing. Because the truth is I didn't tell Atsushi everything. The people that adopted me actually wanted to sell me to their werehouse for some sick pedos. But luckly with help of one of the other kids there I escaped them and from then on we lived on the streats. It wasn't that bad but one day some brown haired man with an army of black clothed man were fighting near the place the two of us had our little "house" and unfortunaly while we were trying to escape he got killed by one of them that thought he was their anemy. After I lost the only person I had left I started robbing and selling drugs to get money and finally a proper house. Today I was suposed to sell weed to some guy in that alley he was gonna give me a lot of money. But something a lot cooler and better happened! I finally found Atsushi! The last person on this world that I can call my friend. I just want to walk up to him and hig him for the rest of eternity. But that's obviously not posible so first things first.

After interrogation the man wispered something to Atsushi and then said that since I'm underage(he's one year yunger then Atsushi) and this is about selling drugs my parents should take responsibility or something I didn't realy care because I was so busy looking at Atsushi and thinking what his life might be now. Not looking at the man I said I don't have parents or familly what made Atsushi look kinda confused but he didn't say anything. We walked in direction of the main room then the mummy man wispered aomething to me.
"Don't worry I already took care of eveeything your not going to jail~"
What? What dis he mean? I mean I know I'm not going to jail because I'm going to escape them but what did he mean by that? Then he added.
"Ghost's arrow~"
What the fuck.
Then he pointed at Atsushi that was turned back to us, walking. Then at me, and then he made a heart with his hands and smirked. What the fuck how much does he know?! Is this his ability or something??
I didn't have to much time to think about it as we walked through the door. The mummy man runed past me and Atsushi, then was stoped by a blonde haired man that before scared Atsushi.

He screamed aomething about why aren't I in jail yet what I actually wanted to know as well. Then the man finally spoke.
"Oh because he's not going to jail"
All three of us looked confused and even some other members of agency poked their heads from their computers to have a better look on the situation.
"What!!? What do you mean he isn't going? Your not to decidate this!!"
"Hmm well the president already knows and agreed"
"What do you mean Dazai?"
Now asked a purple haired woman while walking closer towards us.
"Well you see, he is going to join the agency!"
Everyones faces droped and we all together said a loud.

3181 Words
While writing this I thought that I like this so much that I'm going to write a whole another story so you can find it on my profil. Remember to drink water please it's starting to get hoter! Wish you a great day and life like always, I drove today in a broken car, bye bye.

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