Since then, Cassidy had been on her own with the help of Shakur's adoptive parents. Even then, Shakur's father wasn't that great to her. She just wanted the better life that they promised her, now that she had it— her mothers words ate at her daily because they were true.

"What do you want from me Charles?" She looked up to him.

"I gave you four months to give me three hundred thousand and I'd leave you alone for good, it seems to me that you want me to introduce myself to that sweet, sweet Kennedy of yours," the smirk on his face was one that made her stomach turn. "You know she looks like your mother."

"Don't you dare!" Cassidy told him, "Unlike you, she has a great father and he'd do what he has too to protect her. Don't speak her fuçking name, you sick fuck," she snapped, "Where the fuçk am I going to get that much money from?"

Charles let out a throaty laugh, "You think I don't know your husband is a millionaire and he still receives inheritance? You're a lawyer sweetie, I know you have it."

"What the fuçk do you think he's going to say when three hundred thousand dollars disappears from our account?"

"That's really not up to me. What's up to me is if I snatch that little bitch up and demand more than I'm asking for." He stood, "Just get the shit to me Cassidy. In two weeks,"

With that, Cassidy watched him leave her office and she let out the cry she had been holding in. There was no way she could take 300k from her and Shakur's bank account without him noticing and asking why. She hadn't mentioned Charles return, nor him threatening Kennedy. She was honestly afraid too.

However, Shakur was going to have to find out because there was no chance in hell she'd let Charles near Kennedy. Her mother always protected her, and she'd do the same regardless of how she felt about her child. She just didn't know what Shakur's reaction would be, and since he slapped her that night she had not been trying to set him off, but this was different. It was his child's life being threatened.

The only thing was she knew he'd go off on her knowing that she was supposed to tell him when her father showed months ago. She was just afraid.

Getting into therapy over the last few weeks was starting to open her eyes and heart, she just hoped she wasn't too late.

Wiping her eyes, she stood to her feet and decided to leave for the day. Grabbing her phone she called Kennedy, "Wassup?" She answered, Cassidy let out a sigh of relief.

"Just checking in on you, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good, just tired." Kennedy replied.

The conversation was dry but it was better than how it usually was, "I just wanted to apologize for everything. No matter what happens to me, nothing was ever your fault," her eyes glossed over. "It was all on me, all of the hurt I caused you, the slap, everything."

If Charles could kill her mother, she knew he'd kill her once she refused to tell him where to find Kennedy if it came down to it. "Uh, are you about to commit suicide or something?" Kennedy asked, "You're scaring me, regardless of how you feel about me I don't want you gone Cas. Really,"

"I— I just wanted you to know that Kennedy. I'm fine, I'll be okay as long as you're okay, alright?"

"I'm calling dad, you're being weird," before Cassidy could tell her not too the phone had hung up.

One the other side of the world Shakur was pulled over at an gas station fueling up while he talked on the phone with his mother. It was as if since he left and she found out the truth about him she had been calling him way more. Apologizing non-stop and begging for him to tell her more about the man he had told her he was working on things with.

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