𝟎𝟎𝟒 peek a boo

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sike, hanbin thought i would be scared of his warning or whatever it was but he doesn't know that what he's doing is exactly what i want. how sweet of him following my plan perfectly without any instructions.

'when can we meet again?' jiwoong whispered

the guy was a okay kisser but i need to push all of hanbin's buttons for the worst reaction.

'well i have a class right now' i reply, sitting upright on his lap before standing up. i find reina and sunbi waiting for me as i leave after pecking his cheek.

jiwoong was smart and i had reasons for choosing him among hanbin's dozen friends but it was mostly because he wasn't clingy or into exclusive shit.

'matthew didn't take news of jiwoong well' reina linked her arms with mine as sunbi rambled. it proved to be a great idea because i was killing two birds with a stone.

'and aeri was defending him after even ricky didn't' i laughed wholeheartedly as sunbi and reina imitated the fuckery that matthew pulled today.

from the corner of my eye, i saw a guy smiling with his dimples on display. A camera hanged around his neck.

'he's giving you the heart eyes' i nudge reina as she immediately turns deep scarlet on making eye contact with the guy.

'O.M.G taerae?' sunbi squealed throwing her hands around rein.

'does someone have a crush?' we giggle as we enter the classroom.

the room was half filled, surprisingly hao was already in, concentrating on something he was writing.

he jumped in surprise when sunbi simply grabbed his free hand.

'you gave me a heart attack!' he removed his headphones letting them loose on his neck. hao was born dramatic and reina picked up from his habits. they both were practically twins at this point.

'really?' sunbi wheezed clapping at the funny face hao made before shaking his head and writing something again.

'oh uhm sorry' she hiccups shortly before we break into laughter again.


a week had passed and all i got was glares from hanbin whenever he saw me and jiwoong together. i wasn't complaining though, he was a eye candy already but sweeter when angry.

reina was examining a text message she received from her taetae with the help of professional detectives sunbi and hao. they were very much into the role as i watched them cozied against jiwoong.

in a week, we had become good friends and the plan aside i liked his humor. after not getting much action, i revealed my real intentions to him and he was ready to help, having some mutual hatred for matthew.

'shit they're so dumb and dumber' i nodded chuckling as jiwoong shaked his head at them.

'no i think he's hinting for a date'

'yeah you should just ask him out'

reina was flustered, hiding her red cheeks in her palms. i cooed moving forward to pinch her.

'you're so cute, i'd wife you up if not for rae' sunbi cheesed earning a hard smack from hao.

'i agree he's super confusing, sunbi let's just date instead' reina matched her energy as sunbi grinned and they leaned in to fake kiss before hao screamed and pulled sunbi away.

he began to drag her away as her chuckles probably frightened dogs sleeping in a distance.

'shush, i see hanbin' jiwoong points towards a tree with his eyes as i make out his face hidden due to warm sunlight.

'shush, i see hanbin' jiwoong points towards a tree with his eyes as i make out his face hidden due to warm sunlight

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i like cliffhangers 😋

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