"Oh my god! You're Henry's mother?!" Aurelia asked excitedly as she dropped the branch, apologizing again as it landed on Hook's body.

"You know Henry?" Emma asked.

"Yes! Well no, I mean we only met briefly. One of the Lost Boys was injured and Pan wanted me to heal them and I was introduced to Henry" Aurelia said.

"You work for Pan?" David asked, gripping his sword.

"No. I mean, I guess I sort of do. But not on purpose, I swear! I was brought here a long time ago. I don't even remember how long. Sometimes the days just blend together. Sorry, I'm rambling. Other than Tink, you're the first adults I've talked to in a really long time. Not that I don't like talking to the lost boys. Some of them are actually really sweet-"

Emma cut Aurelia off, in too much of a rush to let her finish her rant.

"Tinkerbell. We need to talk to her. Do you know where she is?" Emma asked.

"Well... I thought she was out tracking you guys. We saw you when you arrived on the beach and she insisted that you were here to hurt us. I wanted to help you but she's quite persistent" Aurelia said.

David turned and saw a white handkerchief that belonged to Regina. "This is Regina's," he said, showing it to Emma and Mary Margaret.

"Who's Regina?" Aurelia asked.

"The other woman that was with us. If Tinkerbell was following us she might have Regina now. Do you know where Tinkerbell would take her?" Emma asked.

"You're not going to hurt her are you? She's my friend and she's just worried that you'd be dangerous" Aurelia said.

"We don't want to hurt her. We just want to talk to her" Mary Margaret said.

"Okay. Well there's a cave only a few feet from here. But um, what about him?" Aurelia asked, looking at Hook.

"You said you help the Lost Boys when they're sick? I'm assuming you're some kind of nurse?" Emma asked.

"Um, something like that," Aurelia said, not wanting to tell them the truth.

"Then stay here with him. Help him when he wakes up and tell him to bring you back with him to our camp" Emma asked.

"Right. Just stay here with him. He's not gonna try to kill me when he wakes up is he?" Aurelia asked.

"If he does, use your branch," Emma said as the three of them left and Aurelia wasn't sure if Emma was joking or not.

Taking a cloth and dampening it with some water from her canteen, Aurelia pressed it to his head. "Please don't be dead" she whispered.

For the first time, she got a good look at him and realized he was quite...pretty. She noticed the hook he had in replace of a hand and for a moment was afraid.

But then she realized that he'd had to have lost his hand first to get the hook and then felt really bad for him.

Hearing him let out a small groan she looked back up at his face and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness you're alive," she said.

"I'm not that easy to kill," he said as he fully opened his eyes and moved back as he glared at Aurelia.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"Oh, right. I'm Aurelia. The one who hit you which I am so so sorry about. I thought you were an intruder! Which I guess you were but I thought you might be here to hurt me and- sorry I'm rambling again. Here you go" she said, holding out the damp cloth for him.

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